Its done, or is it? While BW&BK heard 16 of the 19 tracks written for the second instalment of the Set Abominae concept, even at the eleventh hour (during mastering), ICED EARTH's Jon Schaffer is still unsure of the final sequence. As we sit in the rent-a-car listening to a possible final mix, the mainman/guitarist considers a radical overhaul, removing the remaining segues from the running order, having already opted out of Be Warned and Time Marches On, the latter utilizes sound clips of historical events; Oh, the humanity Hindenburg disaster, Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler speeches, etc.) The record seemed to flow better. When youre driving down the road, most people just skip over them. Then playing the debate out in real time, he switches tact. This is an artistic album. Youre not supposed to put it on as background music and go do something else. You need to listen and pay attention. So are those (all?) segues doomed to the vault? Theyll be on the (proposed) box set. Its supposed to be like a hardback comic book, with space for the singles and the two (full-length) discs. Theyll be extensive artwork that will flush out the story and those (deleted segue?) pieces will be exclusive to that. Im also toying with writing a couple of additional acoustic guitar parts, specifically for it.