Ulver - Perdition City

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
JESUS CHRIST, that album is so fucking good, I've been listening to it a couple of times each day for the last few days.

Any recommandations of bands/albums in the same genre as that?

Here's a video for people not knowing this AWESOME band:

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I'm going to see them on 26 February in Helsinki :) Can't wait! One of my all-time favourite bands.

If you want something a little bit similar to Perdition City, it's quite difficult as it's so unique. But there are some albums that are a bit in the same vein. Here's my album recommendations, with one track from each:

Noise Unit - Voyeur (2005)

Black Sun Empire - Driving Insane (2004)

Ice Ages - Strike the Ground (1997)

Nebelhexë - Laguz: Within the Lake (2004)

Sephiroth - Draconian Poetry (no stuff on youtube)
The Protagonist - Songs of Experience (no stuff on youtube)
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It's more than just a great album. It's a journey. I've never witnessed images, or rather a complete sensory experience, being translated so well through mere sounds. The atmosphere on this album is so unique, the album's subtitle fits rather well. The only project that gives me a comparable sensation is Kevin Moore's Chroma Key. Highly, highly suggested.

Btw. do you guys ever follow the instructions on the booklet?
Love the album although I most frequently listen to Shadows Of The Sun. Both are dark and beautiful recordings, but "Shadows" just takes me to another place....

I'm seeing them this friday in Copenhagen. Can't wait!
Shadows Of The Sun it´s one of the best ambiental/atmospheric albuns I have heard in my life. Fucking brilliant. But it´s the only album I know of them.
Garm mentioned he was listening to alot of Amon Tobin when they made this. Check out Permutation and Out from Out Where for something similar
I sometimes hang out with Kristoffer/Garm, but never really heard his band too much....intresting dude to talk with, though....