Im a huge fan of ulver, if you are ever on winmx- ive got all of their albums uploaded.
Oh and they have been around for about 8 years
As for their albums, bergatt is very good folk black metal
Nattens Madrigal- is basically a nod to old school garage black metal, a little more complex darkthrone recorded with the worst equipment.
Kveldssanger- is very very good, yet it is all folk music, no electric guitars.
the other dude filled you in on William Blake-
Silence teaches you how to sing, is a long 25 min track with a lot of noise- scratching various odd noises, and about 15 minutes of total silence- it is very interesting, Stockhausen influenced
Perdition City - is a wonderfully interesting psychedelic jazz- electronica album maybe the best album they have ever done.
Oh i forgot the metamorphosis ep, mostly industrial, with i believe one song of the silent scratchiness.
ulver is easily one of the most interesting bands i have ever heard, they incorporate so many interesting styles, and are always experimenting, easily one of the best bands ever to play metal, it is a shame that so few metal bands experiment, and expand their senses like ulver