

Moonclad Reflection
Dec 19, 2001
Buffalo , NY
I've heard many good reviews about this band , if you know anything please respond. I cant find anything on them kazaa nor Morp.

They are suppose to be about 5-10 years old as a band.... (?)
the singer from arcturus is in ulver i think. i like his voice a lot they're probably good. but yeh i havent heard anything either.
I's got one of there albums: William Blakes' "Themes Marriage Of Heaven & Hell" and it is fan-fuckin'-tastic!
It's the complete poem of The Themes Of The Marriage Of Heaven & Hell put to music. It might be a little industrial for most but fuck is it awesome! If you like Arcturus, then you'll probably like Ulver. If not, too bad, dude, 'cause Ulver rock:rock: !
The Pimp NeonBlack:rock: :flame: :wave: :hotjump:
Originally posted by The Pimp NeonBlack
I's got one of there albums: William Blakes' "Themes Marriage Of Heaven & Hell" and it is fan-fuckin'-tastic!
It's the complete poem of The Themes Of The Marriage Of Heaven & Hell put to music. It might be a little industrial for most but fuck is it awesome! If you like Arcturus, then you'll probably like Ulver. If not, too bad, dude, 'cause Ulver rock:rock: !

Where can you find their music? I have tried kazaa and found nothing and that winmix shit had nothin either. :(
Ulver is great, I've got all their stuff. They started out as black metal and over time have changed to electronic, its all good!

You know about the UM direct connect hub?? There's bound to be some ulver there, if not I could put up some songs for download when I get home this afternoon...
Im a huge fan of ulver, if you are ever on winmx- ive got all of their albums uploaded.
Oh and they have been around for about 8 years
As for their albums, bergatt is very good folk black metal
Nattens Madrigal- is basically a nod to old school garage black metal, a little more complex darkthrone recorded with the worst equipment.
Kveldssanger- is very very good, yet it is all folk music, no electric guitars.
the other dude filled you in on William Blake-
Silence teaches you how to sing, is a long 25 min track with a lot of noise- scratching various odd noises, and about 15 minutes of total silence- it is very interesting, Stockhausen influenced
Perdition City - is a wonderfully interesting psychedelic jazz- electronica album maybe the best album they have ever done.
Oh i forgot the metamorphosis ep, mostly industrial, with i believe one song of the silent scratchiness.

ulver is easily one of the most interesting bands i have ever heard, they incorporate so many interesting styles, and are always experimenting, easily one of the best bands ever to play metal, it is a shame that so few metal bands experiment, and expand their senses like ulver
Ulver are great, but don't download one MP3 and judge them on that because they have constantly changed their style throughout their career. A very interesting band indeed, definitely worth your time. But don't listen to the later stuff without an open mind, because I've seen people dismiss it with some totally stupid comments just because it's not metal.
I d/l i few songs and this bands is a band u wanna check out!!

The atomosphere of there music is amazing. Its w/o a doubt a band i will be serching further into. My fav song so far is : Ulver : Ulvsblakk