UM Fantasy Football League IV

8-3, 7 win streak.

Congrat's. I'm trying to stay 1 game behind you. Depends on what Tolbert does tonight.

I need 40 points from Brandon Lloyd, Knowshon Moreno, & Philip Rivers tonight to get the win in my standard format league. Could be close, I hope it's an offensive shootout rather than a defensive battle.
I think my biggest regret, as far as dropping players, has been letting Santonio Holmes go. I kept getting into trouble by dropping my D or kicker for a WR or RB, and then had to deal with the dilemma of who to drop to pick up a D or kicker by the next weekend. So that week, he hadn't started producing yet, and I let him go.
Yeah the second you did that I knew you just screwed yourself. Sanchez has been playing pretty well this season and is progressing quite nicely. Holmes' value hinged on the progression of Sanchez and each week his stock keeps rising. If Holmes keeps it up and Collie comes back healthy I really like my chances to win the championship again (finally).

P.S. Screw Randy Moss and/or Vince Young. I wasn't expecting Moss to light the world on fire, but I sure am glad I decided to bench his ass last second the past two weeks because the dude just fell off the map. I mean seriously, all you have to do is throw bombs his way every now and then and VY evidently didn't want to do that. Stupid idiots! Oh well, someone else can waste a roster spot on his useless ass now.
^Yeah, but I got a pretty good pickup when you dropped Benjarvis Green-Ellis. Holmes may end up being more valuable down the stretch, depending on how/if the RB situation changes in NE. But right now, BJ G-E is racking up the points.

I am also the last one to pick up Vincent Jackson. I just hope he doesn't get destroyed because he hasn't been playing real football all season.
BGE was wasting a roster spot on my team. He was barely putting up 20 points for a while once Woodhead was signed. Even still, he only had a good game fantasy wise because he played the Colts. Meh.
Well, you have two no-slouch teams coming up (Ozz and Caecius), so there will be no gimmies.

I have Jimmy and then Mort, which should also be competitive.

Caecius had Krig (easy) then you.

If it were to end right now, you and I would have the byes. But it doesn't end right now.

Should be interesting.
Even if I lose one of those matches I'll still have a bye. If I lose both then it's up in the air. Either way I'm in the playoffs which is all that really matters, and I've been very pleased with my moves this season so there's hope I may not retire this season (again).