Mathiäs;6594719 said:
How we would we talk into it? Microphone or something?

Yeah. There is a button that mutes the music and you can talk into a microphone and it will broadcast.

If this happens, I will be buying a headset microphone.
Mathiäs;6594754 said:
I imagine it would be much better, as you get paid.

I didn't get paid there. I was on a probationary period for 6 months I think and then I had to take a test and get a certain score before I would get paid. I think it was 40 hours of air time or something.

It was pretty lame because I was one question away from passing the exam so I was still on probation so I said fuck it and quit the next year.
I didn't get paid there. I was on a probationary period for 6 months I think and then I had to take a test and get a certain score before I would get paid. I think it was 40 hours of air time or something.

It was pretty lame because I was one question away from passing the exam so I was still on probation so I said fuck it and quit the next year.

Do you have AIM? I figure if we're going to coordinate something along these lines, we should have the ability to chat in real time.

Yea, feed00backer

Sans the first few weeks though. The first week would probably be testing the server, working out the bugs and training, etc.

Yea. We should do one podcast one week and then after that do one for everyday another week and than from there move onto a radio show. Sound good?

For the talking idea, we can record our selfs talking on a podcast. Check out relapse records podcasts.
Yea, feed00backer

Yea. We should do one podcast one week and then after that do one for everyday another week and than from there move onto a radio show. Sound good?

For the talking idea, we can record our selfs talking on a podcast. Check out relapse records podcasts.

No, we need to take some time and iron this out. I don't think that's going to work. Jumping into it that quickly will make things very, very hectic. One podcast a week for a month or two would be fine to make sure things are even. Also, we should plan on getting others involved in the podcasts as well.
No, we need to take some time and iron this out. I don't think that's going to work. Jumping into it that quickly will make things very, very hectic. One podcast a week for a month or two would be fine to make sure things are even. Also, we should plan on getting others involved in the podcasts as well.

Ok sounds good. Hit me up on AIM, feed00backer, later.
It sounds pretty easy to do this thing with Shoutcast. I say we take some time and work that out and skip the podcast.
Yea, as long as we're taking names at the moment, sign me up too. If you can't reach me on the forums, just AIM me.