'Under The Skin of Deicide' DVD!

V.V.V.V.V. said:
Fuck off nowadays stupid threads about washed up bands who are mockeries of themselves!

Dude, is that a reference to Nargaroth I see there? :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
BlizzardOZ said:
I'm not...Deicide owns us all, admit it, they are the kings of DM.
Didn't you say that Deicide is the only Death Metal band you listen to? And that you only recently found them? Don't throw your weight around here until you know what you're talking about. You just come off as a fool, and not just because English is not your native tongue.
He's taking the piss. Deicide are a good band, they may even be the kings of death metal - in terms of sales they must be up there. But to post threads saying "Glenn Benton is the best frontman ever" and shit like that is just having a laugh. There are so many reasons why Benton is a fucking nob that you'd have to be mentally retarded to think he's cool. This dvd he started the thread about is a pile of fucking shite - I bought the cd to see it and I was sorely disappointed. Why didn't they show them making the album? No, instead we get: one idiot covering his whole head in daft tattoos, one fanny burning crosses into his head like an adolescent weirdo, one idiot shooting guns and er...what was the other guy doing? I got so bored I forget.
Who the fuck cares about this shit? A documentary on a bunch of fudds.
Bands, take note - show us you recording the album NOT you in your boring, gay personal lives.
This thread is getting really gay. Come to think of it, this thread was gay from the start. This shit needs to be locked!!
Hey GoD, where are you?

And you think weed is harmfull? You are a dumbass. Weed is not harmfull at all. It is not detrimental to your health at all and has no long term side effects. And this has been proven. So dont be throwing your anti-drug awareness bullshit on me. I know my stuff.

Coke isnt even that bad for you either. their is no physical addiction, meaning if you go on a binge and quit you will not feel any withdrawal symptoms, except wanting more, but thats because of how you feel when your on it.

Most of the drugs out their are not that harmfull to your long term health. the main harm drugs are smoking and drinking. Not saying al drugs arent bad for you, but im saying a lot are. I hate anti-drug people who dont know anything about drugs, never used them, never seen them, never meet any real people who used them (at least as friends and not paid speakers), and yet still have such radical views on how poor drugs and their usage are. and let me tell you, my drug usage has actually boosted my confidence and has actually helped me get better grades in school. Because i feel so great on drugs and know how to moderate them, i can reap benefits. How do you like that drug nazi?