Under the weeping moon...

The Baying Of The Leper said:
Holy shit, that was annoying! I thought something was fucking out with my browser.

Anyway yeah I've cranked out a Howl before. Nothing like a good fucking howl.. Good on ya!

a howl. like a dog??? nooo one does that!
Heh I've never howled, but I tend to start singing along, then realise that I'm probably singing loud enough for the neighbors to hear me, and get embarrassed about it. :blush:
cuntface said:
a howl. like a dog??? nooo one does that!

HAHAHAHA!! :hypno: More like a wolf than a dog... and obviously there are a couple people that do!

it's not like howl the actual melodies... there's an idea....

I can't explain it, sometimes you just feel like doing it. Like that part in Bark at the moon! - haha being at a live concert when Ozzy and everybody around you starts howling like fucking werewolves would fucking rock!!
The Baying Of The Leper said:
HAHAHAHA!! :hypno: More like a wolf than a dog... and obviously there are a couple people that do!

it's not like howl the actual melodies... there's an idea....

I can't explain it, sometimes you just feel like doing it. Like that part in Bark at the moon! - haha being at a live concert when Ozzy and everybody around you starts howling like fucking werewolves would fucking rock!!
just as bad.
_fade2black_ said:
maybe its jus late and im tired.

Oh sure, just ignore the signs, pretty soon you'll start growing fur in strange places, staying out a night a whole lot more and getting cravings for blood! It won't be long... Your whole family is at risk! Get the fuck out while you still can man!!!

or u can just slit your wrists while u still have wrists...or hands to hold a knife with
This entire album gives me strange feelings ... listening to it right now and I have chillbumps . Can't really find words to explain the way I feel when I hear Orchid .. it's eerie and primal and powerful and I fucking love it .
DeviousDVO said:
This entire album gives me strange feelings ... listening to it right now and I have chillbumps . Can't really find words to explain the way I feel when I hear Orchid .. it's eerie and primal and powerful and I fucking love it .
yes that ok as long as your not turning into a primal animal then its ok