Underrated albums

Desultory - Bitterness (melodic swedish death with doom elements, amazing)
Decoryah - Fall Dark Waters (the only band to ever play new age metal)
Unanimated - in the forest of the dreaming dead (black death, atmospheric in parts, similiar to but better than dissection)
Insomnium - they're getting more notice but still under rated, perfect epic ultra melodic death metal

there's many more
hmm... ok, i'll try to keep it within metal. Here's some that i would say are underrated. It's hard to say though, because some stuff DOES have serious fans, so those who actually know what it is love it, but just no one really knows of it, so i guess that might even qualify as overrated haha... regardless, here's some.

Weakling - Dead As Dreams
Maudlin Of The Well - Bath/Leaving Your Body Map
Dawn - Slaughtersun: Crown Of The Triarchy
A Canorous Quintet - The Only Pure Hate
Martyr - Warp Zone
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora