Underrated Albums

I liked Guilt Machine quite a bit, but I still think 01011001 destroys it. I just loved the whole Ayreon storyline. Besides, a bunch of songs from Guilt Machine sounded like retreads from the Ayreon stuff, especially from 01011001. If anything, to me the song writing was lacking on Guilt Machine because of this....

Interesting, I felt the complete opposite. 01011001 felt like a forced rehashing of so much previous Ayreon stuff, while Guilt Machine sounded passionate and new. Not reinvent the wheel new, but new and fresh enough.

Also, 01011001 is just a massive pain in the ass of a title.
Here is some 80s stuff I think is underrated.

Metal Church - Hanging in the Balance and The Human Factor. Though Blessing in Disguise was critically acclaimed, those two seemed to be overlooked. Great releases.
AC/DC - For those about to Rock..... sure it probably sold three gazillion copies, but following up something like Back in Black is nearly impossible. I though FtAtR was pretty bad-ass in it's own right, but isn't often listed as one of the top AC/DC releases.
Martin era Black Sabbath. I think Tony is equal to Ronnie as a vocalist. There are very few people I can say that about.
Accept - Metal Heart. To me that is superior to Balls to the Wall.
Kulick era Kiss. Though Paul and Gene are credited mostly with songwriting, I think Bruce really had a great influence in many of the songs. Love the Kiss guitar riffs and rythms from that era.
Scorpions - Savage Amusement. Again, another band coming off of a hugely successful release having a hard time getting the next one accepted as a great one.

Here is some 80s stuff I think is underrated.

Metal Church - Hanging in the Balance and The Human Factor. Though Blessing in Disguise was critically acclaimed, those two seemed to be overlooked. Great releases.
AC/DC - For those about to Rock..... sure it probably sold three gazillion copies, but following up something like Back in Black is nearly impossible. I though FtAtR was pretty bad-ass in it's own right, but isn't often listed as one of the top AC/DC releases.
Martin era Black Sabbath. I think Tony is equal to Ronnie as a vocalist. There are very few people I can say that about.
Accept - Metal Heart. To me that is superior to Balls to the Wall.
Kulick era Kiss. Though Paul and Gene are credited mostly with songwriting, I think Bruce really had a great influence in many of the songs. Love the Kiss guitar riffs and rythms from that era.
Scorpions - Savage Amusement. Again, another band coming off of a hugely successful release having a hard time getting the next one accepted as a great one.


AC/DC is one of my favorite bands period, but I found FTAtR to be poor. The title track is one of their best no doubt, but the rest of the album is pretty much filled with...well...filler.
Metal Church - Hanging in the Balance and The Human Factor. Though Blessing in Disguise was critically acclaimed, those two seemed to be overlooked. Great releases.

Yes yes yes, motherfuckin' yes.

These albums are awesome. I think that the people who know them think that they are the band's best material, and I think that that is true. One review of Hanging in the Balance I read said that "this is the sound Savatage always was going for, but never quite got" or something like that; and I agree. Both are amazing.
Artch - For The Sake Of Mankind
Feinstein - Third Wish
Patrick Rondat - Amphibia
Royal Hunt - The Mission
Tesla - Into The Now