Unholy Alliance in Toronto

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The Duuude

Power Metal
Jul 5, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah, so I just got back from the show, and personally, I was kinda dissappointed with the crowd. The band played great and there were little-to-no delays/problems, but the crowd didn't really seem enthusiastic. Maybe it was because Children of Bodom played before most people got there (I think they were trying to come in just after Mastadon and Thine Eyes Bleed finished their sets), or maybe Thine Eyes Bleed just didn't get the crowd psyched. There were plenty of fans there, judging by the t-shirts, but there were a whole lot of people sitting down when CoB was playing Sixpounder and Needled 24/7.

Personally, I had a great time. During Sixpounder, some people had to get past me, so I stopped head banging to let them past. One of the guys promptly grabbed me by the back of the neck and started "helping" me headbang. Pretty cool stuff. Couldnt breathe through all the pot fumes, though.

Incidentally, Im not sure if the band reads this, but were you the guys in the red S.U.V.-Limo?

Oh, and does anyone have any info on that little opener-bit they played? The "They're coming to take me away" thingy.
slayer show+slayer fans+thrash fans+not children of bodom fans+just wants everyone to play so they can see slayer=not very exited to hear bodom.
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