Uni's end.....hopefully

Just wondering how old you guys were when you started uni. Im guessing most would have been 17/18
Ive thought about going to Uni, purely for that fact that I wanna make more money in the long term but I don't know what Id do...
I'm in my last semester of an Arts/Communications degree, but I'm most likely going back for an Honours year. It could be the worst thing I could do, but it also might be of real benefit. Hmmmm.
yeah I was just 18 when I started uni.

My honours year has been alright, but it's been a real nightmare for other people.... Partly because of shit supervisors who don't really understand what an Honours project should be, and partly because of the shit structure of Honours by the school of biol science at UNSW..... I mean you can always tell a shit supervisor that they're a moron, but it does mean you're not gonna get help from them, which is problematic when you're doing research you've never been involved with before.

I basically did it to leave my options open for later on... I have no idea what an honours year would be like in Arts/Comm though. All I can say is pick your supervisor well...
Yeah a supervisor is pretty damn important. Speak to other people before choosing one. I was warned off one or two people, which was probably a good thing.

I was 19 when I started uni.
My mrs' just finished for the year - I'm so damn proud of her (she just finished her second year of a 3 year course). She doesn't want me to brag to anyone, but her lecturer and the head of the photography department said that she had taken the best photos that they had ever seen a 2nd year photography student do :rock:

she also had to sign a contract to allow the school to use her photos for advertising purposes :rock:

Her class's exhibition is tonight, so if anyone in Adelaide wants to pop down for free booze and nibblies, it's at Uni SA's arts building, 6th floor from 6pm onwards. Bit late notice, but still!