UNIVERSAL pre-sale

Planning on ordering the shirt bundle today with some other things (including Primordial's new DVD and Holy Grail's tshirt bundle). Just wish they printed the shirt the opposite, big logo on the front, small dragon on the back.
Hello :p. Dave, Erik or someone can tell me if the cd will be for sale in Argentina? I'm not from Buenos Aires, so it's difficult to me to buy some albums, especially of Borknagar :p.
I you can answer me, awesome XD.
Greetings :D
Hello :p. Dave, Erik or someone can tell me if the cd will be for sale in Argentina? I'm not from Buenos Aires, so it's difficult to me to buy some albums, especially of Borknagar :p.
I you can answer me, awesome XD.
Greetings :D

I thought I had already replied this… weird. Yeah I did post it, I wonder what happened….

No va a estar en venta de disquera argentina, pero puedes conseguirlo en http://www.theomegaorder.com/Borknagar-Universal . Por ahora creo que Internet es tu única opción. Es posible que Scarecrow (mexicana) lo lanze para latinoamérica, pero eso sería dentro de unos meses.
Where I can order the boxset?

Same question here, I've only seen the box with a "normal" price in european stores. In US stores like amazon it's around 60 dollars or something, correct me if I'm wrong. I would really appreciate this information since, having listened to the album already, I'm definitely going to buy the box (as far as I now, the only extended version not considering the vynil stuff).

For the UK lucky bastards (joke) http://cdon.eu/music/borknagar/universal_box_edition-8029481 That's the cheapest place where I've seen it (if you see it cheaper somewhere else, please let me know), the bad thing is that they don't sell anything overseas, only within the EU.
Where I can order the boxset?

Try (from cheapest to most expensive):




As I've written countless, countess of times before, Nuclear is a great option if you split the shipping with someone else because they probably have the fastest shipping in Deutschland (Germany) :p . If not, Napalm Records.
Planning on ordering the shirt bundle today with some other things (including Primordial's new DVD and Holy Grail's tshirt bundle). Just wish they printed the shirt the opposite, big logo on the front, small dragon on the back.

I'm looking forward to the T-shirt. I like that the design is opposite, it's a metal shirt that doesn't necessarily look like a metal shirt. I like that. I already have a ton of shirts where the band logo is huge and in front. Glad there's something different out there.

And also glad for the simple design!
I thought I had already replied this… weird. Yeah I did post it, I wonder what happened….

No va a estar en venta de disquera argentina, pero puedes conseguirlo en http://www.theomegaorder.com/Borknagar-Universal . Por ahora creo que Internet es tu única opción. Es posible que Scarecrow (mexicana) lo lanze para latinoamérica, pero eso sería dentro de unos meses.

Borraron los posts parece :s. En fín, gracias che :D
Son of a bitch. I'm mad they JUST put that shit up. Only $30 too. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDAMMIT. Oh well I'm not buying this album twice, I'll have to settle for my tshirt and like it.

Haha don't complain, I paid $20 more for the same box :rolleyes: . I wonder if it's exactly the same, I think it is, but The End has a tendency to put their seal on the box too.

Ah bollocks, screw The End.
Haha yeah. I can actually cancel the order, but I won't because maybe the box from The Omega is a U.S. version (which I highly doubt), and I want mine to be European. (I'm just in a denial phase, I know.)

I'm still not understanding the difference here between the US and the European versions, except that the European one has better access to healthcare :lol:

Did they even make enough box sets to warrant two different 'versions'? I have been buying CDs for eons here, both domestically and from Europe, and I have NEVER heard of a major difference between the two. Perhaps a Borkendale or two could rectify this version division. Because I'm just not getting it.