UNMOORED - Indefinite Soul-Extension


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
The new UNMOORED cd Indefinite Soul-Extension (just got the promo from code666) is a fucking masterpiece. I never heard these guys, but this disc is freaking brilliant.

I cannot describe the intensity of this band without making stupid comparisons, so I won't. I hear everything from Edge of Sanity, At the Gates, Nocturnus, Burzum, Morbid Angel.

Christian, the singer has the most versatile voice (natural sounding) that I have heard in a long time.

The best part is that while the music is complex it hits you instantly and is memorable ... it just makes me want to put it in the player over and over.

There is NOT one filler track on this disc, but the last track, FINAL STATE PART III (a ballad nonetheless) is worth the price of the disc alone.

Negura is still in my top spot for the year but this record is definetelly no.2 and a scorcher.

I cannot wait till you guys pick up on this ... will be out later next month!
Check www.code666.net/webstore for a sample track ...
I like "Kingdom of Greed" a lot, is the new album similar?
LIke I said earlier, I never heard these guys before, but I highly doubt this record will dissapoint you if you were into their previous releases.
Just bumping this up ...

This is available on the code666 site now ... and if you buy it you get a 2 cd code666 sampler cd Free also!

Great deal as this will not be in stores until the 27th of October ...

this is great stuff. if the rest of the album is only half as good as that song i'll definitely get it.
the rest of the album is just as phenomenal if not better than that sample track !!!