

New Metal Member
Feb 8, 2007
I was posting on another forum trying to "spread the word" about DT, and someone replied saying that they were "unremarkable." He was basing it off of the Character album, but still. I understand everyone has their own opinions obviously, but what I can't fathom is DT being called unremarkable. Does anyone else think this about DT, or specifically the Character album? Just curious. I realize it's probably a silly question, but I would appreciate it being answered.
Was that even a forum about metal music?

Anyway, I wouldn't suggest "spreading the word" online: you can probably convince a friend to give a band you like an honest try, but when it comes to your average Internet user opinionated is usually just the beginning of it. It's more of a standard knee-jerk reaction than a serious comment, and I wouldn't give it much of a thought.

DT are objectively remarkable because of their role in the Goteborg scene. Since in Character not many songs stand out as being completely out there or contrary to the canons of the genre, if one doesn't like the style I suppose "unremarkable" is a way of putting it.
Most of the time, when someone says that about a "remarkable" band, it is because of sheer ignorance, and/or incompatibility with the musical genre that the band in question performs quite remarkably at.