Suggested albums


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2008
I got into death metal a few years ago, and The Gallery was one of the first albums I bought to give the genre a try. I liked it enough to buy Character soon afterword, but since then I haven't bought any others by DT, since I've been exploring other bands (namely Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, and Dimmu Borgir).

Now it's time to change things. I need a new DT album. So, which one does everyone suggest?
I've heard Damage Done a lot. I tried Fiction a long time ago, but stopped carrying it. I tell you, the worst thing about death metal is that there's so many albums that are hard to get in the States.
Heck go for all the albums you really can't go wrong, but if you are looking for a straightforward death metal record go for Damage Done, or if you want clean vox go for projector, if egyptian influence then go for We Are The Void, If you want to hear what they were like with Friden then go with Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night, if you want a darker record than the gallery that still does not use keyboards go for the Mind's I (This is my favorite album, probably because it was my first DT record i heard in full, and i personally think it is their most complete record), if you want the best of all worlds i guess go with Fiction, and if you want just a fun quick and entertaining listen then go with Haven.

That is my personal opinion of course but that is how i view all the albums
The Mind's I

This is one of those albums that takes me back to a different time and place everytime I hear it. "Hedon," in particular. I can't really pinpoint what it is about this album, but to me, it's far and away their best.

As I type this, I'm listening to "Hedon" for the first time in months. Immediately I'm taken back to a week after 9/11 when I first heard this song. It's still just as powerful to this day.

I'm a fan of all their albums really. I see a lot of people mentioning Damage Done, which is a great album. But it's missing that "something" that The Mind's I has.

There are only a few albums that have that "something" for me:

Alice in Chains - Dirt/Jar of Flies
Soundgarden - Superunknown
Anathema - Alternative 4
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
In Flames - Whoracle
Dark Tranquillity - The Mind's I
Agents of Oblivion - Agents of Oblivion
Hypocrisy - A Taste of Extreme Divinity (best metal album I've heard in years)
^ where did you hear that? I know that Pain and Hypocrisy mastermind PETER TÄGTGREN will produce and record the new Essence album which comes out in 2012, but I have not heard anything about a new Hypocrisy album
^ where did you hear that? I know that Pain and Hypocrisy mastermind PETER TÄGTGREN will produce and record the new Essence album which comes out in 2012, but I have not heard anything about a new Hypocrisy album

Sorry for the late reply. I believe I saw it in a Nuclear Blast newsletter; I'm pretty sure it said that, but I may be wrong since I only skim through the newsletters.