Crash Nancy
The only attack YOU misconstrued and refused to comprehend is the comment I pasted for you. So instead of attempting to reslove the misunderstanding, you posted your thoughts about HMAS - a forum which has NOTHING to do with this issue, much less this forum. I'm seeing it as a scramble for some sort of thwarting. I thought I knew you better than that.wildfyr said:the only thing that might have been (mis?)contrued as an attack is the part about the HMAS forum, but I assure you I meant it in a positive way hoping that you might become inspired and breathe some life into the thing. i dunno, maybe the over-abundance of questionable rules might hurt things a bit there. (?) i'm really not sure.
Easy enough. Don't start them.i don't want to be in any type of flame war with you. can we let this flow quietly under the bridge or something?
