Going to concerts for one band

wildfyr said:
the only thing that might have been (mis?)contrued as an attack is the part about the HMAS forum, but I assure you I meant it in a positive way hoping that you might become inspired and breathe some life into the thing. i dunno, maybe the over-abundance of questionable rules might hurt things a bit there. (?) i'm really not sure.
The only attack YOU misconstrued and refused to comprehend is the comment I pasted for you. So instead of attempting to reslove the misunderstanding, you posted your thoughts about HMAS - a forum which has NOTHING to do with this issue, much less this forum. I'm seeing it as a scramble for some sort of thwarting. I thought I knew you better than that.

i don't want to be in any type of flame war with you. can we let this flow quietly under the bridge or something?
Easy enough. Don't start them. :)

Villain said:
Well, I spent quite a shitload of money traveling to Sweden to see DT play last summer at that silly festival (what was it called again - Fett Med Kärlek?) - and it was one of the best trips I have ever made, mainly thanks to the hospitality of At the Gates (no, not the band - the guy nowadays known as Tranquillian :)) and the band (the one that was once called Septic Broiler :grin: ).

-Villain (clear enough? :p )

What hospitality? You never stayed at my home :)
But thank you for your kind words, let's do it again some time (so you can get your cap back).
rahvin said:
i'm pretty sure i shouldn't poke my nose into things that do not concern me, but i'm going to do that anyway because i feel the burning need to put myself in unpleasant situations. :)

when you say something of the kind depicted above to a board administrator, rebecca, you ought to expect at least a not-very-pleased reaction, though of course i understand you weren't trying to place the blame or anything.
moderators are not board fairies that sprinkle threads with pixie dust to make them grow and multiply overnight. they have no control on the quantity/quality of posts, unless they resort to authoritative measures, that - for obvious reasons - hardly ever turn out in more people posting. once a forum is safe from abuse, that it becomes a yawner or a thriller is not really in the hands of those who keep watch. if most regulars stopped posting here what do you think i could do? register under 50 different nicknames and have deep philosophical debates with myself?
on the other hand, comments that seem to imply a mod is responsible for scarce activity on a board are likely to hurt, because in truth once you've spent your energies on making things run smoothly you don't really need to feel responsible for users posting rarely or posting inane things. moderators are not retailers that should make customers buy a product.
sometimes there are other things to do and care for, other obligations aside from the board that do not allow mods to come up with a new clown-ish number every day just to see more activity. and it's also hard to be reminded that more was expected out of you when other problems were knocking at your door.

Perfectly stated, rahvin. Would you like to take over my forums? :lol: Anyway, seriously...

I figured I'd interject my moderately sized proboscis into this, mainly because my OUOIFF (© 2003 Sic) forums seem to have come up, here. I fully admit that we have some problems with activity, over there. I mean it isn't Baghdad on an air raid empty, yet, but it can be pretty quiet over there. Problem is when you have a forum that generally covers one specific band that has no official interraction, even with off topic forums, you can really only discuss so much. God knows, just like every forum, we've had our shares of "Your favorite album/song/band/member/whatever" threads or "The longest thread ever!!!!!" threads. I do pin a lot of blame on me, however. I like to run a tight ship over there. Have some standards but still keep it a little laid back. Basically a heaping helping of order with just a dash of chaos mixed in liberally. The positives out of this is I've had almost virtually no problems with posters, but, it can make things a little dead. I took an initiative to get all the forum posters involved in mnaking the place a little better and doing a little "think tank" between our visitors to try and get ideas and gears turning for better and more fun topics. In the case of rahvin I may be preaching to the choir, here, but I figured I'd corroborate what he said (albeit in an extremely longwinded sort of way... hey, I gotta be me, y'know..).

In the end, am I piss-poor admin, perhaps, but I try to run a place where I can make the highest percentage of people happy as I possibly can. But in the end, I'm human. And I'm fallable. Hey, Einstein was fallable, too, so I guess we're all in good company. In the end, it all comes down to one thing. It's a bunch of text on the internet and in the grand scheme of things, will anyone remember HMAS.org forums, Ultimatemetal.com or hell, even the internet itself, in 1,000 years?

Probably not.

Ramblin' Ramblin' Ramblin....

Oh well. So much for fucking forgetting it or letting it float quietly under the bridge. Ok. I can go the distance if that's what it takes. Sorry this has to come on the heels of Reno's calm and collected post, but more clarity is called for.

Episode666 said:
The only attack YOU misconstrued and refused to comprehend is the comment I pasted for you. So instead of attempting to reslove the misunderstanding, you posted your thoughts about HMAS - a forum which has NOTHING to do with this issue, much less this forum. I'm seeing it as a scramble for some sort of thwarting. I thought I knew you better than that.

Alright, let me see if I can get this straight. You are upset because you brought to my attention the fact that you are able to schmooze passes for shows by supplying food/drink/other supplies to bands, and then when I tell you that I'm glad that you have the ability to schmooze well - in situations like that - you get all defensive? I'm sorry, that just baffles me. All I did was share my experience and views just like you did.

This part baffles me even more: If you're actually saying that I EVER accused you of using the Milwaukee situation to your advantage with the beer that I brought, then you are dreaming! I never thought that then and I hadn't entertained such a thought in my head about it until you implied it in this thread. WTFUCKINHELL is that all about? Didn't I already ask where the hell that came from? GeezuzHC! Outer'fucking'space, apparently.

Re: The UOIFF or OUOIFF - Whatever. I drop by there sometimes and read but it's my choice to post or not post, and for the most part I choose not to post for reasons I feel no need to repeat.
The "yawner" comment: Heh, I thought it might help light a fire under you, however I see it's a different kind of fire that has ignited. :\ In addition, apart from the yawner comment and as far as the rest of what I wrote in that paragraph is concerned, it wasn't inflammatory toward you or the UOIFF. In fact, I thought you might have taken that challenge with enthusiasm or something - not become Defendor the Great. :eek:

I'm sorry if I've misjudged you, but the truth is we really don't know much about each other except for what we've gleaned from online communication or the brief encounters at shows. Oh yeah, plus that one time you, Rachel and I went out to map out Oasis One-Sixty when we thought Arch Enemy was going to come there. Remember that? :lol: That was fun. :) Rating people's appearance, shoes, clothing, etc, was a blast! We should do that again some time. ;)

Episode666 said:
Easy enough. Don't start them. :)

Indeed. :)
Dmanx Pit said:
And my firends have bought the members of In Flames and Dark Tranquillity boxes of Tastykakes (it's exculsively a Philly thing, basically little fudge cupcakes and other assorted pastries in a box). Niklas asked us if it went good with beer :) Although when I turn 21, I just may treat the bands to a few cases of beer :)

Yup. That was me and Harley:P
After reading this Wildfyr/Episode666 thing, Episode666 comes off as a hostile, over-sensitive, snotty person.
And now for something completely different -
Going to concerts for one band -
When DT is playing live in Finland - I'll be at a County Music Festival - crowds for this festival average 100000 beer drinking rednecks - I'm only going late in the day, Saturday to see ZZ Top - how They ended up playing at this festival is a thing of mystery to me other than maybe the Texas connection -
Here's the lineup -
Thursday - Diamond Rio, Kentucky Headhunters, Montgomery Gentry, Neal McCoy and Patty Loveless;
Friday - Aaron Tippin, Charlie Daniels Band, Lonestar, Merle Haggard and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band;
Saturday - Buddy Jewell, Chris LeDoux, Collin Raye, Jo Dee Messina, the Oak Ridge Boys, Rodney Atkins, Tracy Byrd, ZZ Top and 1170
Sunday - Bering Strait, Kenny Rogers, Randy Travis and Reba McEntire.
^^^ who are some of these people? ^^^
btw a ticket for 1 day, Saturday is $110 - I'll be getting in free thanks to a Friend (love You, Teri )
I don't know if this is off topic but I go to see live music at times not only never heard the music but never heard of the group - I'll see an advertisement and say to myself this looks interesting -
To clear my head of this Country Thing - going to see W.A.S.P soon -