Until life teaches us to be stoned or ashamed


Blast Beats 4 Life
Apr 18, 2004
Minot, ND, USA
I have always wondered what WD meant by this lyric, "Until life teaches us to be stoned or ashamed"

Maybe being stoned is like self indulgence. You can accept,enjoy, and induce (smoking up) indulgence or be ashamed to indulge?

Anyone have any answers or opinions?
perhaps its stands for being "stoned" as in pelted with rocks. For believing deeply in something... too the point where society doesnt accept your veiws and stones you till your dead.... and perhaps for being ashamed (regret), for not standing up for what you believe in. where your views are always. basically for following what you believe and not going with what everyone else believes. thats what I think anywho.
Yeah that sounds good. Better than stoned as getting high. It must have been cuz they had the line "there is no drug..." threw me off.
Well now that has shed some new light in my mind, "there is no stronger drug than reality" could be saying pain is a drug which some people think defines reality and being stoned is fucking painful, so being stoned to death is a pretty strong reality. Okay woh getting ahead of myself :erk:
What I think of when I hear "there is no stronger drug than reality" is how people think drugs are so bad and fuck you up and make you think and see crazy stuff. Well you can also see how crazy reality is that way to. In reality a force called gravity holds us to the ground. Your house is on a giant spinning rock orbiting a bright star. Deep out in the blackness of space is still an unknown mystery. Also a group of people you never have met take small chunks (taxes) of your paycheck so they say they can give it back to you later in life, you just trust/hope you get it back. There are many uncertaintys in reality. Reality sounds just as crazy as a drug trip, doesn't it?

So drugs compared to reality is nothing. What, a shadow has more of a wiggle to it on drugs?
"how could you tell the real world from the dream world?"That bothers me as to what reality IS. being sober and aware of ur surroundings in the ordinary human fashion seems to be reality, but real is only what we sense, so reality is basically everything seen from some state of mind. I suppose to be aware and alive is the drug that we're addicted and somehow suicidal people manage to transcend this addiction. I guess then the oposite of reality would be nothingness, a lack of awareness.
I truly believe that by this lyric, Warrell is being quite blunt with the words.
He speaks the statement literally and without metaphor... Some people only learn one thing in their life: that they have much to be shameful of and the only means of avoiding this fact is through drugged euphoria/numbing. Getting stoned.

Perhaps this is my viewpoint because of Warrell's past chemical references. :Smokin:

satanicnugz, you hit the nail on the head about the 'no stronger drug' line. Right on.

TheDreamingMind, if you haven't yet, read Rene Descartes Meditations.
That small line in the song stands out to me for a whole different take than previously mentioned..and it is one of my favorites on the album!

My take on it is simple...

Its sorta like when we as children are born here we dont know what is acceptable or right and wrong.. and are just doing our thing in life, which is natural and "pure". However.. its not until later in life that society and others like parents dictate and force feed what should be done in life..henceforth the public stoning or self shame due to external forces hitting an inner core.

I suppose if you want drugs and wearing a seatbelt or running naked could go under that thought as well.. : :D Damn Good lyric just the same.
Take Care
reality is whatever you interpret it to be. The schizophrenic who is having hallucinations of people that aren't there is his "reality"
Interesting that you're discussing my favorite lyrical line from Enemies. I guess you've clued into the fact that "stoned" has a double meaning......debate has been sparked, my job is done, thank you and goodnight....
making sure the criticism is positive

"stoned" having the double meaning is interesting.

*brushes off "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson*
Sentient6 said:
Interesting that you're discussing my favorite lyrical line from Enemies. I guess you've clued into the fact that "stoned" has a double meaning......debate has been sparked, my job is done, thank you and goodnight....

Hey man, gotta thank you and the band for writing some good shit. I read a review comparing Nevermore to Machine Head, I was like "what the fuck!". MH ain't shiet.

I like lyrics with something behind them, make you use the grey matter. Not just "yo homie? what up? we slangin crack"

Thanks for the show in Minneapolis last December. Waited a long time out in the cold. "I smell some weed. Keep smoking."

Rock out with your cock out!
mayhaps enemies of reality is about people who deal drugs. Twisting small minds into a pyschedelical illusion, that to them is reality.... just a thought.