Unusual but good haul tonight...

Soilent Goat

May 26, 2002
Tonights haul was small..and a bit different as far as combination but tonight I snagged..

Darkthrone - Soulside Journey
Burnt By the Sun - The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good

So far the Burnt By The Sun has been superb...I've yet to listen to Soulside Journey
Cool haul. Soulside Journey owns, and it is much different than all the other Darkthrone albums. It is basically an old school Scandanavian death metal album. I've heard Burnt By The Sun, and they sound cool too. Yeah, a black metal CD and a metalcore CD is an unusual combination indeed.
None_So_Vile said:
is soulside journey worth getting? ive been pondering whether to buy it or not for ages and i get paid on thursday so i may get a few more albums
It depends what you are looking for. It doesn't sound like their other albums at all, but I actually like it better. It sounds kind of like old school Swedish death metal, but it still has the higher pitched black metal vocals.