Upcoming shows in Atlanta


Sep 6, 2007
Just saw that Korpiklaani is coming in December, can't freaking wait since I had to miss them and Tyr last time do to a last minute extended family outing. They are playing with Arkona, does anyone have any info on them?

Also saw a sign at Center Stage last week advertising the Cavalera Conspiracy playing 10/10 (same night as Firewind :( ) at the loft. Anyone know anything about this? I haven't been able to find any info about it.
Just saw that Korpiklaani is coming in December, can't freaking wait since I had to miss them and Tyr last time do to a last minute extended family outing. They are playing with Arkona, does anyone have any info on them?

Also saw a sign at Center Stage last week advertising the Cavalera Conspiracy playing 10/10 (same night as Firewind :( ) at the loft. Anyone know anything about this? I haven't been able to find any info about it.

Arkona is a russian folk metal band with a female growler who also does clean singing, great band.
Halcyon Way is headlining a charity event at The Local on October 15th. All proceeds will be donated to the Atlanta Cancer Care Foundation. The other bands on the bill are The Dreaded Marco (featuring members of Black Label Society), SS Vendetta, Rigorism (featuring members of Gnostic), Inviolate, and Throatpunch.

Here are the event details: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=273973025952006&ref=ts

If you can't attend but would like to donate to the cause - the Foundation helps cancer patients pay their bills while they're in treatment and unable to work - then go to www.halcyonway.com/webshop and you can either buy tickets (the funds from which go directly to the Foundation) or you can just donate directly to them via the 'donate' button. If you own a business we are also doing a raffle at the event and you can donate by giving us something for that as well.