Upcomming live DVD - "Roundhouse"


Danish Dude !!
Jul 7, 2006
Hi All...:headbang:

Just some "thinking" about the up-comming DVD. Look forward to see a NEW live DVD...but at the same time it will be a bit strange . It will be OPETH live in a "old" line-up on stage. Will that effect the DVD..??? (All have by now recieved the sad news that Peter is leaving:worship: .) Will that result in changes..??? Will Opeth still release the DVD...Will there be "farevell words by Peter" ..A intro to the new bandmember..FREDRIK :kickass: ?? Video-clip from Ilosaarirock Festival ????:worship:

What do you think..??
I'd imagine that it will be much like every other concert DVD, only with a "good luck, Pete" message or something of the sort at the end.

Anyway, I'm looking forwar to it.
I heard they'll photoshop Fredriks face to Peter's body.

I could say that that's a bullshit. I'm sure that they are not doing anything like that. But about the DVD, hope it will come soon. There could be some document about touring or something, that kind of documents are allways funny to watch. :) But we will see!
I could say that that's a bullshit. I'm sure that they are not doing anything like that. But about the DVD, hope it will come soon. There could be some document about touring or something, that kind of documents are allways funny to watch. :) But we will see!

yeah I'm sure he was being serious
I could say that that's a bullshit. I'm sure that they are not doing anything like that. But about the DVD, hope it will come soon. There could be some document about touring or something, that kind of documents are allways funny to watch. :) But we will see!

haha :) second one of your posts today that made laugh, thanks! ...
seriously, you thought he meant that??
I could say that that's a bullshit. I'm sure that they are not doing anything like that. But about the DVD, hope it will come soon. There could be some document about touring or something, that kind of documents are allways funny to watch. :) But we will see!

Rofl a fuckin lol. Ok it seems like my posts are restricted to lols and rofls lately.

But that was hilarious. Come on dude! It's that sometimes sarcasm doesn't cross borders intact. What could be a stupid joke in one country is a wtf kind of thing in another country. I also heard that if you greet Finns with something like "Hey how are you?" you get a wtf kind of look. Its not a greeting there.
:erk: :erk: :erk: :erk: :erk:

This thread is about ..the DVD....

Come on...people.......stop all this bullshit talk. Humor is fine...but please "fight" somewhere else...
I recon RR will use it to flog as many bands with promo music clips before the gig as they can. Wouldn't surprise me if you can't fast forward them either.
And I recon it will be edited like just one great big music video, heaps of different and crap camera angles and way too many cuts to make it look 'cool'.

Don't let it happen Mike!
yeah, I'm going to be pissed if it gets that "cut to different camera angle every 0.5 seconds with all kinds of crazy effects" treatment. the worst, most annoying thing ever. who came up with that concept and thought it was cool? shoot him. "Let's take this band's live DVD, something people will buy to see this band play live, and then purposely make the footage visually incoherent and unwatchable during intense or interesting sections of music so they can't see the band play live. Brilliant."
in another thread about this dvd they said that it might not be released through RR ... and it is being edited by Jens Bogren and M. Akerfeldt themselves ... so what are you guys complaining about?? just wait and see, you might be surprised!
in another thread about this dvd they said that it might not be released through RR ... and it is being edited by Jens Bogren and M. Akerfeldt themselves ... so what are you guys complaining about?? just wait and see, you might be surprised!

There's NO way RR won't release it. This DVD is gonna be pretty popular (for metal), they're not gonna miss out on all that cash.