Update: DVD begins shipping today (2/7/07)

I got mine on Saturday. It arrived in perfect condition.

I've watched through most of the DVD by now, though I have not watched the interviews. It is very very cool to have a DVD/CD of a concert where I was in attendance. The sound is great, though the levels tend to fluctuate some between songs, so you need to keep adjusting the volume. The picture quality and lighting are excellent, though on occasion I'd notice a "flickering" of the video - just a minor distraction though (my old equipment maybe?).

My only concern is "Revelations" by CIIC. It sounds almost too clean to be live.

Jens' lyric sheets are clearly seen as well by the boom camera - it's really too bad he had to resort to that.

Great song selections, though of course we wish Jorn would have allowed his songs to appear.

One last nitpick - the song order is wrong on the CD - the Savage Circus tunes are transposed with the Vision Divine songs.

Overall I'm very pleased! Thanks Glenn!
I haven't seen one review yet. Either the disc sucks and you guys are trying to be nice or you haven't had time to watch the thing and post.

Won't have the time to watch it in whole until tomorrow, I did watch the FK though (duh!), damn that was a fun set! Can't wait until October! When are those other vids going to get posted? ;)

Just so folks know, I was only a consultant in the process in terms of song selection. Lucid Lounge did the packaging, menus, etc. I'll let them know the screw up on the cd track listing.

The reason for the fluctuation in sound is that certain bands mixed their own songs. While Lucid Lounge attempted to equalize those withe the ones he mixed himself, it was a difficult process considering how many different people were in control of the knobs, especially given the budget and time constraints of the project.
I haven't seen one review yet. Either the disc sucks and you guys are trying to be nice or you haven't had time to watch the thing and post.

Received the dvd in the mail last Friday, but had no time to unwrap it as I went right back out the door to club 29 for the Theocracy show.

Saturday evening I finally found time to watch some of it - mostly just my favorite artists from PPVIII. I saw myself and The.Lost.Hatter in the front row for the Pyramaze set, though we were stage right, so you can't see us very good until they show the view from the stage.

I was checking this out on my computer, as my downstairs dvd player is on the fritz of late. The sound seemed ok to me. The editing was pretty good - no real complaints for what I was able to watch (about half the dvd: Pyramaze, EPICA, Mercenary, Theocracy, and a little of several others).

One odd thing I noticed was that maybe halfway through Consign to Oblivion, the dvd hesitated and skipped a little. I wasn't sure if it was actually the dvd, or that I was hovering over the 'stop/play' keys with the mouse, ready to forward it to another track. So I thought nothing of it. But later, Patrick said it froze up entirely on his PSII harddrive while watching it - in the same area on the same EPICA song. Anyone else have any trouble like that?

I haven't had time to double-check it yet, nor will I have much time all week before my show this weekend. But I'll look back at it again soon, and also finish going through the dvd.
I too noticed a flickering in the video, but to me it was more pronounced than what Force10 mentioned. I noticed it in each of the first 4 or 5 songs I have watched so far.

Overall though the DVD is a great way to relive the show. I wish I had one for each of my 6 progpower experiences!

Glenn - when will you be able to share some of the extra behind the scenes footage?
Quit talking about it! I'm really hoping that mine is at my aunts house today so I can change my mail over and give her the keys to her place!

Also, I've really had enough Hank Williams complete with really bad MIC'D kararoke singing every night for 2-3 hours...

Once I get that DVD I'm going to crank it and piss my upstairs neighbor off!

Hope the Pony Express rider made it thru today, if not then oh well, i know it will be here soon. I can't wait to see and hear it.
I've watched maybe 2/3 of it now and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I haven't tested it on a nice system yet, but the sound seems decent...but not amazing. This isn't too big of a deal though, as it was awesome to relive it all (especially Mattias playing with the vibrator! :))
Watched it a couple days ago, and the Freak Kitchen footage alone makes the DVD worth owning. The Evergrey and Mercenary stuff is awesome as well.

My only complaint is with the Circle II Circle stuff. I didn't attend the pre-party, but based soley on this footage alone, I'm convinced their singer is lip-syncing.
Watched it a couple days ago, and the Freak Kitchen footage alone makes the DVD worth owning. The Evergrey and Mercenary stuff is awesome as well.

My only complaint is with the Circle II Circle stuff. I didn't attend the pre-party, but based soley on this footage alone, I'm convinced their singer is lip-syncing.

Yeah I also noticed on the "preview" clip on the website that his vocals sounded WAY too good to be live. I don't think he was lip syncing actually at the show, but i'd be willing to bet he redid the vocals for the dvd. There were parts where it just didn't lineup properly in the preview. :loco: