UPDATE! My Caffine Fast


Sep 11, 2002
Well as some of you already know, I'm taking a month-long break from caffine...just because. Now I'm just four days into the break, and I just randomly decided that I'd have a thread dedicated to my thoughts and actions that have been affected me because of this cold turkey (like anybody cares anyway). Now this fast includes things with caffine, like: coffee, anything with chocolate, soda, and other things with extra sugar added... I'll recap what happened in the past three days if you didn't see them in the NT thread:

Day 1 - Dec 30th: It started off to a good start...I only almost broke down once.

Day 2 - Dec 31st: Day 2 of my month without caffine is going ok...I'm just a tad more irritable - DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!!

Day 3 - Jan 1st: I haven't broken down or even cried (I almost started to) from lack of caffine yet...I almost put a chocolate cookie in my mouth to threaten my gf...but I stopped.

Day 4 - Jan 2nd: I can start to tell how much caffine was a part of my normal life. I'm a lot more tired than normal, and it sucks. I once again almost broke down, but my gf talked me out of it.

Comments are appreciated :D
I am not a big coffee addict but I take about 3 or 4 cups a day(specially on school when I have class at 8) but leaving an addiction is fucking hard!

I can't go more than a day without it... the pain... sharp and jabbing thru my brain. :cry:

So I don't go without it. :devil:
You can do it. It will be tough. But pull through!............................................... ............................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................or I will kill you slowly.
Day 5 - Jan 3rd: I had a big wrestling tournament, and it didn't bother me that much, although I lost a match where I had the kid on his back about 5 times, and was winning 13-5 and I just rolled over...and got totally pissed because I beat myself...oh well, I shouldn't be complaining to you guys
:OMG: a month?! i have tryed to quit caffen for atleast a week but can only make it one day with no coffie without it i fell like a :loco: :zombie:

:lol: i need some right noW
Day 6 - Jan 4th: It's really not bothering me all that much anymore. I mean, I just don't think about caffine at all anymore. I'm just a little more irritable and stressed out as I usually am.