
Mr. Wu

May 7, 2002
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Last night was the first show with RJD in Hartford. The place was almost full. Hopefully that's a good sign for the rest of the tour. We were cramped by our lack of room on the Webster stage but that didn't stop us from tearing it up. There were some strange looks from the Dio fans up front at first but from half way through our set we owned it. The security was trying to stop the mosh pit but couldn't, especially for Indians.
All of Dio's people were very cool and made us feel welcome. I spoke to Ronnie during a guitar solo and he was dying to know if the Yankees had won the second game of the doubleheader they were playing against the Twins. I busted out the cell and went to ESPN and we looked up the scores. When I showed him that the Yanks had swept and Boston lost, he was stoked! Who knew the metal master was a Yankee fan? I guess he gets DirecTV on the Silver Mountain. I like him even more now. He had been pissed off about the sound on stage and after he got the Yankee score ha said he was in a much better mood and walked back on stage with a big evil grin. Made my night. His set is full of classics. He even does Gates Of Babylon! When Brent comes back to work I'll have a full AM. The cover art for GOTE was supposed to post on Monday. Hopefully he'll get it up soon. Anyway, there will be posters and flyers of it starting in NYC I think.
More soon.
Thanx for the update Wu i've a few queries of my own
1. Any idea if your coming to Glasgow in 05?
2. Any chance of Potters Field getting an airing?
3. Is a tour with Mustains mob gonna happen?
4. I've broke my guitar, got any spare?
5. I'm locked out of my house but my bedroom windows open, do you think it's safe to
stand on a plexi-glass conservatory roof to gain entry?
6. When are we gonna see some pics of your new Washburn?
7. I'm in MOMD can i get royalties please?
1. I hope so. Nothing confirmed yet.
2. Yes, it's possible.
3. Once again, I hope so schedules permitting. We both want it to happen.
4. No, sorry.
5. Can't help you with that one.
6. Very soon.
7. Yes, your check is in the mail.
Is it true that Dio gets pissed when people take his mic and hold it over his head and play keep away, and that's why he's touring with Anthrax since you guys are all pretty short?
What are your thoughts on 12 Stones opening for Megadeth. How could this have happend? Does this mean you might reunite with Stryper for a few shows keeping with the 20th anniversary theme?

In all seriousness, make the Megadeth thing happen (I assume there's a another leg of the tour because there's no southern dates). That way I can laugh at all the people that had to endure Earshot and 12 Stones.
Jockthrax said:
Thanx for the update Wu i've a few queries of my own
1. Any idea if your coming to Glasgow in 05?
2. Any chance of Potters Field getting an airing?
3. Is a tour with Mustains mob gonna happen?
4. I've broke my guitar, got any spare?
5. I'm locked out of my house but my bedroom windows open, do you think it's safe to
stand on a plexi-glass conservatory roof to gain entry?
6. When are we gonna see some pics of your new Washburn?
7. I'm in MOMD can i get royalties please?
LMAOo_O :Spin: :hotjump: :tickled:
...."smoking the reefer. And to teach you boys a lesson, officer Rabbit and I are going to watch you three smoke the whole bag."

Seriously though, Mr. Wu, check out this band http://multiplepersonalities.org/. The singer is a major fan of yours and even plays Jackson guitars because of you.
i was at the Clifton show, one of the techs borrowed my lighter, im so happy, its never being used again.

BTW the Clifton show rocked.