
Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
:puke: went to the doctor yesterday for a referral to an orthopedic surgeon, whom i will see later this week and most likely have an ultrasound done on my leg. also got the pics of the new house back and sent them to what e-mail addresses i had listed on my kodak account, so some of you may not have them yet but derick will be posting them later anyway. i'm doing alright except that i've gone insane and actually hallucinated the other night (which i have done since i was little) but the green slime was a little overwhelming this time. and with lightning!
:ill: :yuk: o_O :Smug: :cry:

...mmmmm poop!
I got the pics! Nice house!

... I love that piece of shrubbey in the backyard ... it looks like it's melting.
*hugs*Get better! We have to meet each other one of these days! I'm still waiting to drive with the instructor (or dreading and hoping he never calls me), and I'm driving more and kinda getting better.
I hope the new doc can help you figure out whats wrong, CT. Best of luck to you for that.

Your presence here on the boards is missed as well! Hope to see you around more, but most importantly, take cara of yourself. (heh, that was silly)
:Smug: Neal will hate this. I've posted it before....

We love you CT.


And for no reason other than I fuckin' well feel like it...


helllllllooo everyone. thanks for all the well wishes :p
NEAL: yes david is right, i absolutely chose that pic for its gayness. but yeah i really like them. they rock their own cocks even.
apparently this orthopedic surgeon i am going to is really good and popular so we couldn't get an appointment until not this thursday but the next one. so just another week to be poopy without my poopy :(
i did go to the mall today though. and got the we've come for you all anthrax cd, the circuit city there had it a whole lot cheaper than fye and best buy. and then i took the long bus route back to relax, though a little bit after i got on i had to pee really really bad!! aaaghhh. but i made it here to the nice bathrooms in the library before it was too late. so i'll stick around here for a few minutes then head back home, oh the dreadful walk home.