
Rev. Clayton

The Singer
Sep 4, 2006
Hey everyone...

I just thought post a quick one to let everyone know that we're still alive and kicking. We know it's been a little quiet lately, but with good reason...

The next album is already in the works. I have been frantically writing lyrics and taking advantage of the wave of inspiration that hit me over the last month or two. I'm not able to give out any kind of details right now because nothing is set in stone, but if all goes well I have one more song to finish lyrically and then it's up to Gregg.

We did get the chance to sit down for a little while though, and start going over the direction and ideas for the next album. I'm really feeling good about this album and can't wait to give more detailed updates on it. Everyone around the suspyre camp is very excited to be working on this one though and we will get out any info as it comes in.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Awesome news. Thanks for filling us in.

I do have a question for you, also. Are there plans to replace Rich? If so, has thee been any progress in finding anyone? Thanks again.

We are looking for a replacement, but the idea of going with what we have is also in the picture. Honestly, we haven't decided one way or the other at this time...so we'll keep you updated on what happens.
Great to hear that you are writing new material. Is there any schedule when the new album comes out?

Since I discovered When Time Fades... I can say I am a huge fan.
I also have all the albums now and I can say that I'm really surprised.
Why? Because I do not know any bands that combines metal with
classical music in the way you do, for me it's new and I like new things!!!

Will Suspyre come to Europe to play in Holland?
The last time you played Progpower Europe I did not come to the show because I didn't know you guys, sorry for that and of course sorry for myself,
But if you do a European club show I will be presented at any of them, that's for sure.

Greetz from Holland and I will wish you all the luck by looking for a replacement for Rich and of course by making the new album!!!
Most of the music has been revised due to adding a guitar part, but drums are set to start recording in October.

We've decided on the central color for artwork and will hopefully be taking new promo pics around the time drums are being done.

Not much else to report right now.
Metalprogger, your compliments are very much appreciated. Thanks!

The reason there really aren't any updates is because we're at the stage where we have to spend a lot of time locking down our individual parts. It involves lot of personal practice time, which is pretty boring for the most part.

Cheers! And thanks again for being a fan! :kickass:
Even the small updates are good though :) Great to hear you guys are still working on it and that things are still on schedule (since Gregg always mentions that his OCD editting/mixing has him hiccuping up against deadlines)