Urban breed's new band, Trail of Murder

That's the second time you've posted that, so I'm also going to repost that they are not. Powerwolf also wears paint and they were formed a year before Bloodbound.

Both bands wear the paint and dabble in Black Metal lyrics, but their delivery is pure Power Metal.


Gotta go with Shaye on her thoughts. PW looks more like heroine chic than corpsepaint, but I like it nonetheless. I was unaware of this band until you mentioned them. I checked them out and they're pretty cool...but BB is way more in the corpsepaint department. LOVE IT!!!
They better keep the corpsepaint, too!
That would have to be reinstate the corpsepaint since it hasn't been used even once since 'Book of the Dead' came out.
Now, that's not what's going to happen, (at least not for this album), but I've got plans that tie in well, not to say perfectly, with the lyrical theme I'm exploring on the new album. I'll stop at saying that it will add nicely to the live show.
That would have to be reinstate the corpsepaint since it hasn't been used even once since 'Book of the Dead' came out.
Now, that's not what's going to happen, (at least not for this album), but I've got plans that tie in well, not to say perfectly, with the lyrical theme I'm exploring on the new album. I'll stop at saying that it will add nicely to the live show.

Oh no Crotchless Pants!!
So after reading through this thread, this is what I can gather:

Urban Breed's new band supports crotchless pants but may or may not like corpsepaint, but in the end it's all for Pellaz. Purple Monkey Dishwasher.

While I was hanging with Urban at PPUSA, he let me listen to some TOM tracks and some of his solo tracks on his mp3 phone. And I,m just waiting for them to come out, because that shit was AWESOME!!!!! Urban has incredible vocals, but I can't wait to see him on stage again where he belongs.:rock::rock::kickass::kickass::notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy