Urban Exploring


Nov 30, 2007
Dayton, Ohio
I've been getting into this more and more, lately. So far I've visited a few abandoned houses, an insane asylum, old gun powder factory from the cival war era, cement factory, and an old power plant. When I get to my camera I'll post some pictures. My goal is to go head over to europe next summer, cause you guys seem to have a LOT of cool stuff. Seen some things about whole towns abandoned and stuff... I think the US might have a few too... ANYWAY! Any of you guys into this?
My ex was, there's abandoned towns all over the place in Montana apparently. Those kinds of places tend to creep me out a bit, so I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy it myself.
I love urban exploration! I don't do it myself but there are so many cool photos out there. My favourites are the abandoned amusement parks and asylums:


EDIT: Ok that didn't work check:
i love that too.. my wife and i do some photographic trips 3-4 times each year....
here in austria, we dont have that much.. its all too clean and new.. but northern germany, czechia, slovenia, hungary, belgium... awesome..
there is a guy called henk... his photos are really amazing.. check this out:

I wish there would be more places like that around here. We have some very neat abandoned industry facilities though, but more and more of them are being removed.

It's just a great atmosphere with the symbiosis of nature and technique.

Makes for some great band photos too! ;)
ive really really wanted to try it, there isnt really much going on around cornwall thats the right sorta thing though. maybe ill do some more research one day and try and find some shit, but yeah, its something ive been meaning to get into for a long while.
amusement parks are soooo crazy. I've been meaning to go to one that's a few hours north of me... it's a shame that there's gaurds and stuff, though. One fun story. I was checking out this abandoned house that's in the woods by this metal factory. The place looked like during the great depression the people just booked and left some interesting relics behind. The most notable one was what looked like an old, SUPER rusted out, model t. The greatest thing was in their barn, though. There was this homeless dude (apparently his name was Magic) just hangin out, drinking wild turkey. He called the area his "estate" and we had a good talk about what we though happened there. Pleasant fellow, but stank to high heaven!
My favourites are the abandoned amusement parks and asylums...


Yeah I always get a weird unexplainable feeling when looking at photos of abandoned amusement parks. I like photos of the Pripyat Ferris Wheel near Chernoble (Not because of COD before anyone comes up with some stupid shit like that :mad:)


^Probably not a good photo of it. There is another, but the server is down.^

Search "Pripiat" in google images. It's a well known ghost town near tchernobyl. Fascinating.

There's also this abandoned japanese island called hashima. Looks like a sneak peak at apocalypse.
my friends and me used to go into The Ridges in Athens, OH when we were going to college there (at ohio u.) - it's an old insane asylum. super scary to walk through there at night. odd vibe going on there. gravestones outside just had numbers.

I also had 2 friends that ended up in the clink for like 2 weeks for searching through what they thought was an abandoned house out in the country. it doesn't always pan out.
my friends and me used to go into The Ridges in Athens, OH when we were going to college there (at ohio u.) - it's an old insane asylum. super scary to walk through there at night. odd vibe going on there. gravestones outside just had numbers.

I also had 2 friends that ended up in the clink for like 2 weeks for searching through what they thought was an abandoned house out in the country. it doesn't always pan out.

been to the ridges a few time while a buddy of mine went to school there. you see that those headstones didnt have names... only numbers? Kinda fucked, I think
been to the ridges a few time while a buddy of mine went to school there. you see that those headstones didnt have names... only numbers? Kinda fucked, I think

dang, we both went there! :headbang: we could only go through about half when we did it, because the other half was in use by the university.

there's an island with an old house on it near my hometown of marietta, oh (buckley's island I think it's called [kerr's island in the past]). we rafted to the island one night and explored the place. freaked me out.