UrbanDictionary.com/Alexi Laiho

i bet they're all from the same person.

3. alexi laiho
The greatest guitar player ever. He plays in the band Children Of Bodom. His riffs and solo's are the best and sings like no one. He is god.
Hail Alexi.

Other metal gods are Shagrath and Dani Filth.
I need a bishop preaching fire... to get away with my sins!
I despise everything I see so I don't give a fuck if ya hate me!
Source: dajk, Sep 19, 2004

oh and that one is really gay.
They're all gay. "He's hott, too", "He is the (very sexy!!!) frontman..." What guy would write that? So it was just written by a stupid little girl who listens to COB for a few months.
I think it's a very mature definition. Now I finally know who Alexi Laiho is. He's a god, and he's hot. That's good to know, now I feel enlightened. Need I know more about him ? Is there anything else to say ? Ah yeah, he is small. And he kicks ass. Oh, and he shook my hand !!!! WHOA!

Praise Alexi !! PRAISE HIM!!!! He's GOD !!!!!!!!!
"Other metal gods are Shagrath and Dani Filth."

Yes, Dani Filth is quite the metal god. Agreed. Same with Shagrath. Yup.

The Cradle of Filth one is hilarious - "An extremely controversial symphonic black metal Band." Again, yup real controversial. As if there aren't thousands of other bands endorsing satanism.
@Zarok: So, a dude who says that a famous female musician is hot is just a normal rock/metal fan and it's ok, but a ckick who says that a famous male musician is hot is a "groupie" and a "slut"...? Hellooooo, this is 2005, not 1805!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

PS: Dani Filth is a squealing teletubby :lol:
Is it me or do I fail to see the part where he said: "It's ok if a dude says a female musician is hot"? :err:
I assume he implied that it's not possible a guy would write such silly description (about another guy) cos it would make him seem like a homo.

But I personally find both cases ridiculously stupid, especially when it's overstated to the point that the performer's appearance matters more than the music (like it happens with Nightwish in both ways, for instance). :rolleyes:

Oh, and BTW... In the most cases I've seen, yes, if a girl keeps remarking how a band or a musician is SOOOO HOTTTTT, etc, etc... it's pretty much a groupie or seriously needs a life. It doesn't get any less pathetic the other way around, (with guys) either. :rolleyes:

Dani Filth? :zzz: Dimmu: :kickass:
SR~VE said:
(Sorry dudes but i just had to let that out bcuz I'm just so sick, PUKING sick of that double standard)

Chances are you are a 13 year old girl. If you are not 13 I have lost respect for you. If you are not a girl then I cannot see why the fuck you would care so much.

When it comes to Alexi, to most people think a semidecent musician and songwriter first, NOT hot. If all they were thinking about was how hot he is, then obviously they don't respect his music at all, as is ALMOST ALWAYS the case when a female musician is considered hot - if you call Britney a musician and not a whine machine. Point being, it's not much of a double standard - whatever girl decided he was hot probably decided so because he looked good playing guitar, and many girls that idolize a male musician (and call him exceptionally hott) would love the opportunity to become that musician's groupie, or already are. Lastly, I assume you are 13 because you are clearly trying to rebel against society's standards, and you look for them at every turn to express your individuality. I assume you are a girl because if you were a dude you have understood this by now. I lose respect for you because if you are past the age 13 you should not think it's so exceptionally ghetto (oh snap dizzly I said ghetto I must be a gay pop/rap fan, attack me for listening to happy music please) to rebel against society's standards.
@coolsnow7:"I assume you are 13 because you are clearly trying to rebel against society's standards, and you look for them at every turn to express your individuality." :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wow, I'm impressed at how much sense you make there.
If no one had ever changed society's standards, there would still be slave labour, and churches would still rule over pretty much everything, to name but two examples.;) Not that I think I can change the fuckin' world or something; I just voiced my opinion on something that pisses me off. :rolleyes:

@Hilda: My rant was not all about Zarok's comment; it's just that this one "girls who think musicians are hot=groupies" comment was like the straw that broke the camel's back if you will. Because I had LONG since had it with such double standards. A dude slobbering like a neanderthal over Angela Gossow or Tarja Turunen is "da man", while a chick who says Alexi Laiho is cute, is "a dumb groupie slut who doesn't care about the music".
The difference is with stupid girls putting that in an online dictionary... That's patchetic..

Just as any guy who did the same about a female musician is a fuckin' poof.

It's okay to find them attractive as theya re jsut people after all, but when you fuckin'' runround on every page of a foum saying it, you're a groupie.