-Gavin- said:
It's okay to find them attractive as theya re jsut people after all, but when you fuckin'' runround on every page of a foum saying it, you're a groupie.
That's EXACTLY my point. Sure, I won't deny Alexi is a good looking guy, but I reckon everyone here has eyes and an opinion and doesn't need to be constantly reminded of the fact. It's just... silly...
@SR~VE: Hmmm... Personally don't think a guy saying how much he'd like to fuck Angela or Tarja is "da man," but needs to get the hand out of his pants and start dating some real people.
And in the case of the girls... well, generalization sucks but, doesn't it occur to you that when the ONLY thing a girl keeps repeating over and over is: "Oh, he's so cute... Oh, my darling looks so sexy..." and such, chances are it's because that's all she cares about and the music is not a priority (if at all has any importance) here?
When I go to a gig I like to headbang myself silly to the music and don't give a fuck whether I get crushed up front or not. Then again, I often see bitches who dress and act like whores and just look pointlessly at the band when they are performing, and I bet they wouldn't even know the name of the song they're playing at the time. The only thing that matters to them is for other people to see them together with the "cute" musicians so that they later can brag and "feel important" (can't see of what).

uke: So is this anything short of being a slut? You tell me.
Or in the other hand, if one just keeps daydreaming about the "hot" band member all the time, even if she did not meet him and doesn't KNOW him, it's a stupid, immature thing to be doing and she needs to seek more productive and rewarding interests.
Just my 2¢.