URGENT help emg81 too hot ? ? ?

Uncle Junior

Jun 24, 2009
Ok I just found out that my DI signals are clipping. The clip signal light isn't flashing on my DI-box and isn't flashing in cubase. The DI track's signal is straight with no amplitude jumps. It's just like a straight line, like all the peaks of the signal are cut....they look like they are compressed like a motherfucker. But I don't use any compression in my chain. So I tried to lower the volume of the guitar and still the same even at lowest volume. I also tried another guitar so there is nothing wrong with the DI-box or cubase.

I use EMG 81 with 9V battery and it's new / full. I lowered the pickups so they are the same height as the metal case surronding them, almost same height as the body of the guitar LOL and now the DI signal I record is normal.

On some other forum the mentioned that a guitar can be too hot. I guess they mean that the pickups are too hot and that they have too strong output.

PLEASE can anyone help me fix this?:(
I have this same problem with my EMG's. I just lower the pickup to a point where it doens't clip anymore and all is good.

Since the actual DI isn't clipping though, I don't think it's a big deal really. I'm curious on others opinions though.
It's natural and inherent to the pickups dude, don't worry about it, and CERTAINLY don't lower it, keep it as close to the strings without touching! (and without getting in the way of the pick - here's a pic of the perfect height for me). Still, I much prefer the sound of the 81 at 18v - comparison clips and info on the "mod" (it's retardedly easy) in this thread! :)
Dude it isn't cool and in your thread when you compared 9v and 18v emg's81 to blackout or blacksmntng you DI's don't have peaks in the signal CUT.

How can I fix this? Signal shouldn't be cut. And I won't use 18V because you can't put the batteries inside the guitar. I won't try that. ...so any other solutions?
Marcus's signal wasn't cut in his thread where he posted his DI's of EMG's 81 on 9V. check them out. I posted mine in production tips thread on basic guitar eq post. Can someone post his too see how yours look?

and by the way....again if the signal is cut a part of the sound is cut too and that ain't cool at all. Mine Di's have this poping sound coming out when they "clip".