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New Metal Member
Mar 8, 2005
No one here probably knows me unless they're on the Symphony X mailing list, so I'm just gonna make a short introduction. My name's Kevin and I'm a musician. I'm 17 and I do nothing but music more or less all day. I'm a junior in high school. There is a problem right now.

Yesterday as I was walking down the hallway, a passed a girl while I was singing. The words I was singing I swore were from an Ayreon song. The word's were "You'll drown in your sorrow and you'll die tomorrow" I could be wrong about the artist, but I was fairly sure. I know the second line was "You'll die tomorrow". or "You will die tomorrow"

She ran to the principal saying I said it to her, and the principal called the police, they fingerprinted me, processed me, all that fun stuff, and now I gotta come up with the lyrics to this song or I have nothing for my defense. It is IMPERATIVE that I get these lyrics as soon as possible. My hearing as I see it now will be friday. They didn't give me a definite date, but that's what they said it would be more than likely. I'm asking this because I'm not a bad kid. I'm 17, and I'll be 18 in about 5 weeks. I can't get into trouble like this now. Get a hold of me somehow. Reply to this post, email me (sweetdreamdesire@yahoo.com) im me on aim (guitarjoesatch31) even call me for shit's sake (610)742-4694. I can't have this happen. I appreaciate everyone's help in this equally.

Thanks again,
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