Help This Noob...

apart from the super guitar hero type albums (Satriani, Vai, Greg Howe, Michael Lee Firkins, Marty Friedman, Jason Becker, Vinnie Moore, Tony McAlpine etc..) there are very few instrumental metal acts... so heavy metal acts with no vocals might exist but since no one speaks of t it shouldn't have been very good... :erk:
Thanks everyone. So far ive tried Dream Theater, Blind Guardian, Pelicans, and iced earth. I really like Dream theater and blind guardian (awsome vocals) and pelicans is ncie too... but i didnt like iced earth's vocals...

(sorry if i disappointed you) haha
If you like those type of vocals, try the album "A Flame to the Ground Beneath" by Lost Horizon. You'll LOVE the vocals.
If only Iced Earth would have had the vocalist from Night of The Stormrider on the s/t. I can't listen to that album which is musically killer because gene adams.
nissan said:
Thanks for all the help guys and girls, im gona take in your advise

I think ill try getting used to the growling, but im not gonna get used to the god hating lyrics...

are ther any awsome bands out there that dont have god hating evil lyrics? cuz that would be cool

try some pagan or viking black then (e.g. Drudkh Enslaved Sunchariot Primordial Negura Bunget etc.) and really try to get used to harsh vocals as you're missing a lot

p.s. try Amorphis' Elegy album too; one of the best creations ever made in music.
yes, i listened to Lost Horizon - Pure...very nice. Vocals are very good. Lost Horizon Deam Theater have the nicest vocals out of the ones ive tried so far...
nissan said:
Thanks for all the help guys and girls, im gona take in your advise

I think ill try getting used to the growling, but im not gonna get used to the god hating lyrics...

are ther any awsome bands out there that dont have god hating evil lyrics? cuz that would be cool

Get used to the God-Hating lyrics too. If you take a look at a lot of the lyrics a lot of them are against religious Christianity and not exactly the spiritualism of Christianity itself. While I am a (non-religious) Christian, I can easily see and sometimes agree with lyrics from bands like Zyklon, Morbid Angel, At the Gates, etc. Even lyrics that really hold no personal connection to me can be appreciated if well-written and tastefully done (some of Emperor's lyrics, etc.).

What I'd reccomend to you to get used to Death Metal/harsher vocals would be to listen to bands like Soilwork, newer In-Flames, Into Eternity, Venom and Orphaned Land. While Soilwork and newer In-Flames arn't really all that great they're great introduction bands to extreme Metal.

For the more Black Metal stuff I'd reccomend Dimmu Borgir from any time frame, while I only appreciate their work from 1995 down their newer stuff should help a more stream-lined approach into Black Metal as well as possibly their old. I'd also reccomend Emperor's "Prometheus- The Discipline of Fire & Demise" which has plenty of clean vocals, neo-classical arrangements and overall near ingenious composition for many parts of the album along with the more harsher Black Metal styled vocals.

For a mostly non-harsh vocals band I'd really reccomend Persuader, their Evolution Purgatory album is masterpiece, though it may be hard to find because they're not a real popular band. I could probably send some samples over AIM if you were interested in checking out some of these bands.