US elections.

California hasnt finished yet, thats worth 55, and Ohio, Pennsylvania and that other one that counts for a lot (cant remember) havent been done yet either...


Bush may have to steal this one too :)
Kerry always had one thing going for AND against him.... the g/f of a friend of mine is American and she said anyone running against Bush would be doing so basically on the premise of "well I couldn't do any worse then he did!"
If Bush wins Florida and Ohio, but doesn't win Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, and Kerry wins California, it'll be a tie. Then the House decides who wins. And because the Republicans have the numbers there, Bush will get it.
Im watching CNN now too, its a lot closer, I like games that go down to the final minute.
Whoever wins Ohio is going to win it pretty much, Bush is 246, Kerry is 207 (from memory) and none of the states have changed who they voted for last time (so far anyway).
Could be days maybe, or even weeks :(

They dont know for sure yet. If Kerry wins Ohio and wins the states his party won last time, he wins, if Bush wins Ohio its over because he would need only 4 more votes to win.