Enemy242 said:
somehow i have a feeling you're a poser and listen to trivium and metalcore bullshit and have short hair and wear skateboarding clothes. just a hunch.

Yah, because the length of my hair determines how metal i am. FUCK OFF. Wannabe. :rolleyes:
why make a comment about his hair and clothes then?

i had to cut my long hair because my job(s) required me to do it(but i quit, and it's shoulder length ATM :D). the US has a really stupid stigma against long hair ever since the 60's. the clothes thing.. i donno. My best friend listens to almost as much metal as me and doesn't own many metal shirts or any black jeans etc. People's appearance doesn't have to reflect their music preference ;p

then again, i know what you mean ;p some kids can talk the talk all day but never hold a candle to some other kids' devotion to music. in a way music is more than a hobby or enjoyment of mine, it's definitly part of my life. fuck, i could write a book about how music has changed me by such and such; everything from people's first impressions of me to how i value my friendships.

wow. that was a pretty good ramble

edit:yeah, trivium sucks fucking dick
Last night was amazing. I endep up meeting all members except for Jaska :mad: THis one kid got janne to sign a picture of him kissing Alexi! His reaction to it was hilarious!
He was like, " Woah haha oh man! Where did you find that?" Then he was saying how we're in SF so it was ok because it's the Gay Bay. It was funny.

Oh and Roope was drunk as fuck, try talking to a drunk Finn who speaks broken english and you get a weird ass conversation. :kickass:
I was at the Sac show and I dont think there were to many emo kids. I didnt watch the first 2 bands (was next door at the bar) but cob was good although the vocals didnt come through as clear as they should. I saw lots of real metal guys.
Enemy242 said:
I just got back from the SF show at Slim's and it was better at times than the other show i went to but at other times it was worse. I got there right at the end of God Forbids setlist because i didn't feel like sitting through 2 shitty bands which worked out pretty well. COB then went on and i was going to go into the pit but unfortunately a bunch of people were jumping up and down and punching each other and it wasn't really a pit, it was just stupid so instead i went up front. it was pretty pathetic because during the old songs that aren't very common the crowd didn't; sing along or anything, it felt like me and a couple people around me were the only people getting into it. however during the new songs like in your face of course everyone was singing along to i don't give a flying fuck mother fucker and jumping da fuk up during the songs they knew. ridiculous. with all that bitching aside though the sound was great and the band had a lot more energy and was more entertaining than the night before. If you saw me there at the show i was the kid screaming play red light in my eyes after most of the songs and at one time there was even a small chant about it. the setlist was as follows, not very much in order, but the songs are accurate

Are You Dead Yet?
Needled 24/7
Follow The Reaper
Towards Dead End
Angels Don't Kill
Hate Me!
In Your Face
Lake Bodom
Everytime I Die
Hate Crew Deathroll


Living Deadbeat

also just to add: haha we got 3 hatebreeder songs and you didn't!

I think I might have been standing by you/talked to you a couple of times.
were you about 4-5 rows back by the center, I think I said something about them playing "Deadnight Warrior"??
Sinnsation said:
I think I might have been standing by you/talked to you a couple of times.
were you about 4-5 rows back by the center, I think I said something about them playing "Deadnight Warrior"??

up until about angels don't kill i was like 3 or 4 rows in the crowd about 2 away from the moshpit but from then on i just moshed and stayed in the pit or on the outskirts of the pit.

Foralltid said:
He was like, " Woah haha oh man! Where did you find that?" Then he was saying how we're in SF so it was ok because it's the Gay Bay. It was funny.

Oh and Roope was drunk as fuck, try talking to a drunk Finn who speaks broken english and you get a weird ass conversation. :kickass:

haha, did the kid have a scythe? cause i talked to a guy before he went to the show and he said he was going to try to do that.

haha you mean this pic?, sick
hey everybody, there anyone who wanna sell me 2 tickets from the COB concert on House of Blues Anaheim, on monday 10.... tomorrow!!!
please, someone help me!!!!!
So i just got back from Arch Enemy and you know who decides to show up???
Jaska! I was hanging out in the balcony area during Chimaira's gay ass set and Jaska happens to walk by and I said hey and he shook my hand. Is it me or is Jaska really shy or not really wanna be bothered alot?
Foralltid said:
So i just got back from Arch Enemy and you know who decides to show up???
Jaska! I was hanging out in the balcony area during Chimaira's gay ass set and Jaska happens to walk by and I said hey and he shook my hand. Is it me or is Jaska really shy or not really wanna be bothered alot?

the arch enemy show in sf? fuck dude i think i saw jaska there too, i saw him walk by. what was he wearing? i saw a guy who i thought just looked like him and iwas thinking holy fuck that guy looks like him, but i just thought i was crazy. btw nevermore fucking owned at that show. i met jeff loomis for a little while during chimairas set. i was the kid in the symphony x, V shirt.
hey everybody, there anyone who wanna sell me 2 tickets from the COB concert on House of Blues Anaheim, TODAY!!!
please, someone help me!!!!! :( :( :( :(