Scorpia said:
present from Jaska



other pics here

What? Did he write his email onto the stick?
janne said they would (i believe)

no dates though, and since the unholy alliance tour is going to continue to europe.. i have no idea as to how they will fit another US tour in before the end of the year

that is, unless they don't tour europe with slayer

which, wont happen
:( yeah, I think i read somewhere that Janne said so...
so i was hoping someone knew a bit more about that....
hopefully they can come back if not at the end of the year, than at least in the beginning of '07.
that would be quite nice :)
heh. it would be nice, yes

id rather have them recover and stop drinking themselves to death, to be honest

hopefully they will make aleast one more album before one of them dies of alcohol poisoning
ya, they're pretty serious drinkers...! i understand that it's fun and everything... but when you appear hungover in front of your fans, who have been waiting to see you for like a year (or even more).. or are seeing you for the first time...!!! - you don't make the best impression :erk:

buy hey, alcohol related accidents are always funny to hear about :lol:
*if they don't cause shows to be cancelled* :cry: