I love this gain
I laugh at what some people (50% of americans) think about the upcoming Health system there. They think is a some kind of communist threaten that will change the american way of living. Nothing further from reality. In fact you can't even compare to the European model. In Spain, Hospitals are build from public money, doctors are paid with public money and even medicines are way cheaper as the State will pay a variable but huge % of the total cost if you have a medical prescription. I heard socialism too, well NO, socialized is not socialism.
If you don't want the state to take part in your decissions then you're an anarchist, not a true american. If you don't want the state you elected to take decissions for you, what are taxes for?
If Health is an exclusive problem of those who are ill (As shamely many pointed out here) then, roads should be paid only by those who drive a car. But no, the taxes are existing for this.
As I said before, this project can't compare to Public Health system but it could (should IMO) be a first step for it. It's nothing compared to the cost of building a complete National Public Health Service. But hey, you gotta start someday from somewhere. I really think it's about distribution of taxes and the % the richer people could pay. So YES!! War has a lot to do with it as USA is the country that more money invest on it by far:
And in % of the Gross Domestic Product we can see that they are spending on "defense" opposed to Development Aid:
Clearly a problem of distribution not of lack of money and thats not "IMO"
If you don't want the state to take part in your decissions then you're an anarchist, not a true american. If you don't want the state you elected to take decissions for you, what are taxes for?
If Health is an exclusive problem of those who are ill (As shamely many pointed out here) then, roads should be paid only by those who drive a car. But no, the taxes are existing for this.
As I said before, this project can't compare to Public Health system but it could (should IMO) be a first step for it. It's nothing compared to the cost of building a complete National Public Health Service. But hey, you gotta start someday from somewhere. I really think it's about distribution of taxes and the % the richer people could pay. So YES!! War has a lot to do with it as USA is the country that more money invest on it by far:

And in % of the Gross Domestic Product we can see that they are spending on "defense" opposed to Development Aid:

Clearly a problem of distribution not of lack of money and thats not "IMO"