I am new to this form (as per my post count), and usually try to stay away from political/goverment debates. I however feel that I can weigh in on this issue; I am a nurse (who is back in school again to get my full RN degree), with a heavy background in business (also have a BS in Business Management and worked in management for years), and also happen to live in a city flooded with illegal immigrants, I feel that I can offer a good opinion to this debate. For good measure, my wife is a pharmacist licensed in three states, and my sister is a Doctor (OBGYN) who has worked in hospitals here in the US and worldwide.
There are some fantastic arguments to this debate on both sides of the aisle here. I will first and foremost state I am a self-described right-winger. Yes, there needs to be overhaul of healthcare. Yes, we also need a government overhaul, on many fronts. However, living & working in the field in this city, I personally see the widespread abuse of healthcare in this system. For you people who don't understand the abuse, do your own research about people who doctor shop. To those who state that you can't get into a hospital here, you should see the flood of people who abuse the emergency rooms for garbage problems; which is an incredible part of the problem. Over HALF of the hospitals in this city are in the RED, because they CANNOT turn people away from the ER. These hospitals have to rely on outside funding to keep operating -- yet costs are so high at these hospitals? I wonder why?
As for insurance companies and the public option. I do not believe in the public option. Yes, as people stated, insurance companies are for-profit, and yes, the bottom line is to make money. Does this mean I trust my goverment to handle this issue? No way! Look at the track record of ANY goverment agency! Obama himself even stated, FedEd & UPS are fine, its the Post Office that is all messed up! If you don't like this example, look up Amtrak. There are plenty of examples. If these were private corporations, they would most certainly be ran cleaner and more efficently. I do believe that the insurance company industry needs some restrictions, and at the minimum the ban on selling insurance across statelines should be lifted. I feel that capitalism and the free market would prevail in this arena. Larger and healthy competition works and is what is needed to lower costs across the board. The biggest scam I see from this is: Do you REALLY think that this bill is going to DECREASE the deficit? I find this extremely hard to believe given the governments previous track record.
Do I have the answers? No way. Do I think this bill is going to work? Don't know. Do I think insurace is going to be affordable? I don't think it will, but we will have to see. Is Obama really living up to his promise that he isn't increasing taxes on middle Americans?
The real kicker for me:
Have you really followed what has been recently stated in the Senate? Read what Harry Reid (D) has stated about how this bill is so important to the very people it should protect:
Then, ask yourself, why does this bill not start until 2013? Two plus years is a LONG, LONG time for many people who advanced diseases/cancers, etc. If they truly cannot get help until then...many people they are trying to save will pass by this time.
All in my humble opinion of course..