Useful Satriani Vids


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
So, the man is great, taught hammett and skolnick how to solo. SO check out these intructional videos, they are pretty dense and interesting
here we go:
10 guitar tips vid:
picking&pedal tones:
legatto part 2
whammy bar
surfing with the alien, he actually explains the solo

these are the videos i consider essential, the other ones, the vids guitar world did are retarded, and lack any educational material
Think Satriani is one of the most overrated guitarists out there - together with Hammett and some others! No offence intended btw. To me it's strange that sometimes the true masters of something ( being a guitarist, a poem, a writer etc. ) never gets the much deserved attention and recognition from the public, but instead the less good "artists" get the full attention and recognition. If you want to learn something and be great at it - learn from the best. Just a thought :)
imho satriani>>>>>hammett>>>>>malmsteen. Won't go further than that, cause "de gustibus no es discutamus" i hope i got the latin quote right, but he is a very accomplished teacher. And just being good, doesn't automatically make someone a good teacher.
I think Satriani has a great amount of substance behind his playing and it's always interested me to hear what he's doing on new albums.

I think Skolnick is an amazing guitar player, and he (along with the rest of the Testament guitarists) is very much an idol and role model for my playing.

I think Hammett needs to go back to school.

That's the end of that for me.

1st off mega .... Satch is one of the guitar greats. He single handedly brought guitar to the forefront of the american music scene in the 80s. Hes won numerous grammy awards and has taught many of the great guitarists on the planet. Granted hammet and skolnic arent gods, but would you deny Steve Vai godlike status ?

Joe taught steve. Joe may not sweep arpeggios like a mad man, or play a billion notes in a millisecond but he has something not many other guitarists have .... taste.

Joe has created some of the most amazing melodies in music history. He has played with some of the biggest names in rock and metal, and to be honest was a HUGE part of the San Francisco Bay Area scene that spawned players like Peterson, Smyth, and Skolnick, he may have not given those guys lessons (Skolnic excluded of course) but he was definitely an indirect influence on them.

Even Gary from Exodus is a fan ofS atch. Satch may not be the most "technical" guitar player in the world. But i dare you to find a guitarists thats as diverse or as knowledgeable in technique and theory...... cause you wont. Satch is a guitarplayers guitarist no matter what anyone says.
Okay - here we go! I know most of you are going to hate me now - but truth be told! And no offence Guru, but:
guitarguru777 said:
1st off mega .... Satch is one of the guitar greats.
No he's not!
He single handedly brought guitar to the forefront of the american music scene in the 80s.
No he didn't - what about Van Halen, Malmsteen, Tony MacAlpine, Vinnie Moore, Paul Gilbert, Michael Angelo, Marty Freidman and many others! The only thing he possibly did was bringing the guitar to the forefront of the COMMERCIAL scene, which folks like Malmsteen and Van Halen already had done! He wasn't THAT known in the 80's. Most people knew him because of of Hammett.
Hes won numerous grammy awards
So??? That doesn't make him great! So have people like Kurt Cobain, Eric Clapton, Billy Corgan and many others. Does that make them great guitarists?? I think not! Or people like Britney Spears, Pink and other so-called artists - does that make them any great singers?? I think not! Grammy awards is nothing but a popularity contest controlled by $$!
and has taught many of the great guitarists on the planet.
Who??? And if he really did, would that make him a great guitarist???
Granted hammet and skolnic arent gods, but would you deny Steve Vai godlike status ?
Yes! I think Vai is overrated as well!
Joe taught steve. Joe may not sweep arpeggios like a mad man, or play a billion notes in a millisecond but he has something not many other guitarists have .... taste.
I disagree! I think his music is tasteless, boring and predictable
Joe has created some of the most amazing melodies in music history.
What melodies???
He has played with some of the biggest names in rock and metal,
Again - that doesn't make him a great guitarist! Rolling Stones have played with THE biggest names but does that make them great players??? ( playing 4-5 chords is not what I call great )
and to be honest was a HUGE part of the San Francisco Bay Area scene that spawned players like Peterson, Smyth, and Skolnick, he may have not given those guys lessons (Skolnic excluded of course) but he was definitely an indirect influence on them.
So??? So was Metallica and Anthrax but doesn't make 'em great players either!
Even Gary from Exodus is a fan ofS atch.
So because Even Gary is a fan of Satch does that make Satch great???? Even Gary could use some guitar lessons as well, btw
Satch may not be the most "technical" guitar player in the world.
Finally something I agree on!!!

But i dare you to find a guitarists thats as diverse or as knowledgeable in technique and theory...... cause you wont.
Jason Becker, Rusty Cooley, Francesco Fareri,Yngwie Malmsteen, Michael Romeo, Vinnie Moore, Chris Broderick, Marty Friedman, George Bellas, Tom Hess, Tony MacAlpine, Michael Angelo, Shawn Lane, Paul Gilbert, Matthew Mills and the list goes on and on! And I haven't even mentioned all the great classical guitarplayers that are unknown to most people ( like Eliot Fisk ) or all the great Flamenco guitarists - they know what they're doing!
Satch is a guitarplayers guitarist no matter what anyone says.
Satch is one of THE MOST overrated guitarist EVER - together with bozo's like Hendrix, Clapton and Hammett!

No where in your post can I see anything about his actual guitar playing! The only argument you have is that he's great because he's known, because he has tought others etc. ect.! Anyway, I didn't wanted to start an argument but I felt that I had to answer your post. I don't hope you take this personal Guru - I like you a lot man! Rock on :rock:
Jason Becker - No Offence But cant Play Anymore ... WAS a great guitarist, and to be honest no where near Satch's caliber, and Jason would tell you that himself.

Rusty Cooley - Actually a friend of mine who thinks Satch is amazing. He was a big influence on Rusty as is Steve Vai. Besides ... Rusty has no feel, no emotion and no abilities other then speed and technique .... have you ever heard an Outworld song ... god its horrible.

Francesco Fareri - This dude isnt even worth the words im typing ... hes nothing but an arpeggio maniac that got notoriety cause of the "internet" just like cooley and the rest of the shred heads you watch videos of on Rule number 1 .. SPEED DOES NOT EQUAL EMOTION !!!

Yngwie Malmsteen - Ohhh .. the one scale wonder. This guys is so stuck in the 80s he forgot that hairspray went out with his leather pants.

Michael Romeo - Another friend of mine, I agree hes great, but he also was influnced by Satch. Hes a big fan of joe actually. Stop by the Symphony x forums and ask him.

Vinnie Moore - The toneless no sustain Malmsteen wannabe from the Dude fuk'n please.

Chris Broderick - No offence to chris but technique aside hes no satch. I would guess chris is a fan aswell. Stop by his forums and ask.

Marty Friedman - Not even close to satch's caliber, and if memory serves correctly marty's teacher learned from Joe. theres that Bay Area influence again.

George Bellas - Another malmsteen wannabe with nothing but speed on the brain ... my god you have poor taste in musicians.

Tom Hess - Who ???

Tony MacAlpine - Plays "BACKUP" for Vai cause he couldnt cut it as a solo performer. How pathetic is that.

Michael Angelo - Dude ... no feel, no emotion, pure speed. Mabe if he learned how to bend a string or 2 he wouldnt be a Nobody whos career is only still alive cause of the internet.

Shawn Lane - The closest you have even come to satch and Shawn was a HUGE satch fan.

Paul Gilbert - Another big satch fan, Almost as good as Lane but not quite

Matthew Mills - Who ??? Oh wait probably another YouTube celebrity ....

Dude pull your head out from your speaker cabinet and learn something about good musicianship. Satch plays these guys under the table .....

I notice a pattern in your choices aswell. Speed, Arpeggio Sweeps, and YouTube......hmmmmm Talk about being influenced by society ...
if you would have checked out the videos you would have found out that he has melodies. WHat about midnight?
Marty friedman is pretty good too. I'm not saying satch is the best, he is one of the best.
And btw, skolnick has nothing to do with anthrax, he was in testament. now he is part of the reunited testament and a renowned and respected jazz player
"together with bozo's like Hendrix"

man, if it wasnt for hendrix we would all be playing rhythm with no distortion, only chords with no expression at all
have you heard any guitar player from the "pre-hendrix" era?

and i agree with guru, speed does not make someone good or not. speed shows that the guy studied a lot, but unfortunately there are things that you cant study, and that you can hear on many satchs songs
OMG ....

Just found some matthew Mills Videos .... OMG you dare compare this dude to satch ... LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

hes sloppy and DRENCHED in reverb to cover up the mistakes.

And as for Tom Hess ..... please dude ... MALMSTEEN CLONE !!!!!!!!!

At least he doesnt dress like him like joe stump does .... HA H AHA H AH AH AH AHA HA HA HA H AH A
Hmm, I have to go with Guru's picks on this, all speed and no emotion make for way boring music.

I watched a Cooley vid and was bored after the inital shock of how fast he was...
guitarguru777 said:
Rusty Cooley - Actually a friend of mine who thinks Satch is amazing. He was a big influence on Rusty as is Steve Vai. Besides ... Rusty has no feel, no emotion and no abilities other then speed and technique .... have you ever heard an Outworld song ... god its horrible.

Ok first of all, Im not a big fan of Rusty Cooley. But you cant say that speed isnt a kind of feeling, to some it can be a kick while to some it sounds like it does to you. Actually, Often the people who say that someone is just speedy and has no feeling, they are people who cant play that well. Now i have seen videos of you playing and I know you can. But you didnt come up with the term feel even though when you say feel, its the feel youre meening that most will think of. Rusty does his thing and some like it, some dont.

btw, Rusty is boring to listen to. :P
I couldnt agree more .....

Its just random scales .... god ita like watching a nascar race .... the beginning and end are great but all the shit in the middle is just repetative crap .... lol

Im no Cooley, Smyth, Satch, Vai "insert fave guitarist of the week here" but i can play fast ....I can do most of the things everyone praises on this board, but honestly to me 1 note in the right place says more than a million.

I guess im just old school like that. This is the reason Satch to me is a god. He always puts that right note exactly where it belongs.
I totally agree with you. Not the part about rusty since I havent heard outworld, I have just seen the videos on youtube.

but honestly to me 1 note in the right place says more than a million.

I definatly agree with you, Speed can be a way to make solos sound more intresting but the foundation of the solos is what notes you decide to use.
