Useless superpower

I would be able to control the length of my eyeballs- except I would max out at about 30 inches or so and it would be painful and slow. They would still be hyper sensitive to dust and things and my heroic moments would mostly be spent fishing things out of sewage drains and other various unfitting situations.

Now you go.
Had this conversation a while ago! I would be Reminder-man! I emit radiation that reminds you that you have something more important to do!
Unlimited strength, but only when helping women shop by carrying all their fucking bags.
When i was a kid, a friend of mine claimed that he had superpowers, like the power to know when someone turned on a Tv on another room
I'd like to be able to teleport myself in the same location or to speak backwards.

Unlimited strength, but only when helping women shop by carrying all their fucking bags.

I could easily see this as a movie.
My useless superpower would be to become an audiophile......hear skin effect-n-cable-directionality-n-shit.