Using hockey pucks to decouple monitors.


Robot Penis.
Apr 26, 2008
Vallejo, CA
Anybody tried it?

I just did with my monitors. I hear a difference; The bass is less pronounced. Strangely though, i kinda prefer the sound of my monitors on my desk just for a for pleasure rather than translation.
yeah, if there's bass problems now it must be your room or monitors.
you really wanna decouple them....of course you get more bass with coupled monitors, but the problem is, that the sound (bass freqs) travels faster through the floor and your bones (speed of sound is higher in higher density materials) than through the air, making the bass freqs arrive a bit earlier through the physical connection.
that results in a less focussed bass of course, you really only wanna hear the bass transmitted through the air like all other freqs rather than your bones and the studio floor.