Using the audio from a snare/kick trigger in a mix


Nov 22, 2010
Oslo, Norway
Daniel Bergstrand was hired to mix the upcoming album of my band this summer, and he specifically asked us to record the audio signal from the drum triggers of the snare and kick drum. I was not able to take part of the final mixing stage, so I never got to ask him how he used this.

Yeah, I know that it is common to use them to sidechain the gates, but it really sounded like he was going to use them as a part of the mix.

Do any of you guys have any idea how he might have used them?
I bet if you asked him via e-mail he'd let you know, but I bet it's for getting a very splatty/smacky top end to the snare without much bleed. Same for the kick, really - high end attack from the trigger splat can be very useful!
Yeah I'd heard that Bergstrand uses the triggers on snare/toms a lot, didn't know on kick but I guess, if it sounds good, why not?

What band are you in? Is the album out yet? Please spare every possible detail about Bergstrand that you found out? :D:D
Thanks for the answers guys:) Will try this myself, once I get the chance.

I play in a norwegian band called Shraphead. The album will probably be out some time in january/february.. Still waiting for the artwork.

feel free to check out some of the pre-production demoes at

Sadly, I really don't know much about what bergstrand did in the mix, since I was not there:(
Will try to send him an email to ask about some of the details, and I will post the answer if anyone is interested.
Yeah this is pretty common on alot of records, if it's done subtely it's ok but when it's overdone (Slipknot's last album) it just makes the drums too ticky imo.
Yeah this is pretty common on alot of records, if it's done subtely it's ok but when it's overdone (Slipknot's last album) it just makes the drums too ticky imo.

So that's what it is! Especially the toms on this album has been bugging me.. Sounds like the tom-heads are made of 1/4 inch plastic :(
Never hear Dark funeral Attera Totus Sanctus? Listen this album for hear what Daniel can do to snare with triger.