Using TS from multi-effect unit???


May 19, 2008
I was wondering how good are Tube Screamers that come as part of guitar multi-effect or processor units?

Recently I got hold of Boss ME-25 multi effect unit. I tried bypassing everything except TS. Manual says it is modeled after Ibanez TS-808. Paired with 6505+ and marshall greenback 412 cab it sounded great. It is also handy since those multi-effect units come with other useful stuff (NS, tuner, volume pedal...).

I was just wondering what is you opinion on this or anyone has any experience...
I've often used the Boss GT-10 tubescreamer in 4cable method patches when I didn't want to bring along any other pedals. It has a similar EQ curve and adds the boost so it does the job. Also handy that you can change the amount of boost and other stuff between the patches. It's one of those things where other people probably won't notice if you don't tell them, so I would just use what is most practical to the performance.

I also like that on the boss, you can set a blend between the clean signal and the ts. Nice for adding a dark touch to an otherwise clean guitar. Here's an example of that from a recent testjam.

For recording however, I still prefer the real TS7. The GT one sounds a bit stiff to me in comparison.
I have a Zoom G5 multi effect it is also modeled after the TS-808, the Tube screamer in this unit is really nice,but I don't think it's really close to the real one,but I didn't use the real one also, so I can't really judge.