UX8 high CPU usage


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
hey guys,
ever since i reinstalled OS X, when ever i plug in my UX8 and play audio through it, CPU usage goes up to 80%, and as you can imagine, it makes running cubase.. fun.

when its plugged in, and doing nothing, then its fine. as soon as you play any type of music/sound (itunes, vlc, cubase, anything that makes a sound), it just starts being like that, and i have no idea why :/

i've changed buffer sizes, and it has no effect (like, actually none at all), different USB port, through a hub.. ugh.

it didn't do this in the last install, and it doesn't do it in windows.. this is really frustrating!!

anyone got any ideas? (if your answer is along the lines of don't use a mac, then GTFO :p )

Did you update? If so, it might just be a problem with the update. If you haven't updated, then you might as well give it a try. I don't know, it's worth a shot.

I really don't know what to tell you, that is a weird problem.
yea, i did update, first thing i done. i might try going back a driver revision, as i think this might be the issue at heart.
