V = Both "Five" and Verdi


King of Ithaca
Sep 12, 2002
Sebastopol, CA
I don't know how many know this, but the first two tracks on V are based strongly on Verdi's requiem. To be more specific, Verdi's Dies Irae. I love requiems in general, so when I heard V for the first time, I said out loud, "OMG. This sounds just like Verdi's requiem!"

To be honest, if you like Syphony X, then check out various requiems. The ones by Mozart and Verdi are the best.

And yes, requiems are cool. They're more-or-less a funeral service. But some, like Mozart's and Verdi's, are great works that demonstrate the awesomeness of hevean, and the dark and evil of hell.

Check them out.
Actually, in the Japanese liners they do say that Prelude was based off of Verdi's requiem.

Mozarts Lacrymosa from his Requiem is also the Lacrymosa section in Death of Balance. And Bach's Harpsicord Concerto No 1 is in the middle of A Fools Paradise.