Romeo steals work?

It only bothers me a little that he didn't cite them, only because I've been programmed at school that if you don't cite every little thing you're in big trouble. But I think it is so totally awesome that Romeo take classical pieces and puts it in metal. That's all that really matters to me. It's like taking something old, and making it new again. :)
Luis said:
The credit used to be on their web-site.

As far as i concern, i dont care about credits, becouse i have been listening to classical since i was a child, i know every classical theme they have used on their albums:

Inferno: Vivaldis "Summer" from "The four seasons"

...I can only say Michael Romeo and Michael Pinella love classical music, and they should teach DreamTheater, how to orchestrate a song.

Where in Inferno do you hear Summer? Also the middle of Smoke and Mirrors is from Bach's mass in B minor too.
I wouldn't take anything from a Dream Theater board seriously when it comes to Symphony X... there's a lot of fans of Symphony X over there... but there are a number of people that try to pick out anything they possibly can to put the band in a negative light... Dream Theater has ripped off a lot more artists a lot more flagrantly than Symphony X
i think michael romeo figures if you listen to symphony x you will probably like classical and already know these pieces,there great,so shut up bitching
p.s. hey genius did you notice some of romeo's riffs like a winters dream part 2 have a very close sounds to some kansas riffs.thats cool to
Luis said:
The credit used to be on their web-site.

As far as i concern, i dont care about credits, becouse i have been listening to classical since i was a child, i know every classical theme they have used on their albums:

Dressed to Kill: Bachs Prelude in C minor.
The Divine Wings of Tragedy: Bachs Mass in B minor and Holsts "Mars" from "The Planets".
Sonata: Beethovens Piano sonata Op 13 in C minor second movement.
Prelude: Verdis Requiem "Dies Ira"
Death of Balance-Lacrimosa: Mozarts Requiem K 622.
A fools Paradise: Bachs Concerto for Harspichord (Dont remember which number)
Awekenings: Chopins Prelude Op 28 num 24 in D minor.
Inferno: Vivaldis "Summer" from "The four seasons"

...I can only say Michael Romeo and Michael Pinella love classical music, and they should teach DreamTheater, how to orchestrate a song.

@Luis: You're absolutely correct about those classical sections. (and I have to say that they're one of the reasons I listen to SX.)

There are mentions about Sonata and Prelude on the album booklets. I think that they're mentioned because those are full songs. Others are just pieces&parts.

Adagio, Stratovarius, Time Requiem are also using the work classical composers in their songs, without giving proper mention.

I think that the fun part is when you have to quess/(or should I say) know which sections are neo-classical and which are actually already composed by someone else. And BTW who listens to neo-classical music and not the real thing, too?

At the end, I think it's just great that someone is passing on quality music to new generations.

ps. Sorry for the messy post, but the time is now past midnight here in Finland and I'm really tired...:hypno:
g3ddy_lee said:
Aw man, you just totally read my mind. I don't see why he should cite every damn thing he uses from other peoples work. These people are DEAD, and so they're never forgotten, he "recycles" them by using their stuff in his songs. Simple as that.

Its also public domain too ;)
Well first of all it is not plagerism, because there are no copyright laws on that stuff. However, it would be nice if they cited the works of these composers. For the most part they are small parts of the songs, so its wouldn't discredit their songwriting ability in any way if they cited their sources. I think you should cite your sources always, regradless of the law, even for things like pop music. (Vanilla Ice, Mc Hammer, etc)
There should be no shame in citing your resources. I would never go as far as this guy on the DT board did, but it is something for Mike R and crew to consider.
Personally, i have to say it's about how it's done. If some band just played some classical piece with some poorly thrown together riffs and singing over the top, then i would be pissed about such a thing. However, symphony x are masters of song writing and arrangements, so it does the original justice. Therefore, no need to be upset... though i would like the sources cited ONLY for my own interest. It has nothing to do with respect to mozart or whoever, because he took the pieces and kicked their asses. I think that's paying enough respect. That's MY thoughts.
Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton did it all the time with old blues guys and they're still great guitarists. I think that people should give credit if they steal tunes, but I'm not too bothered if they don't.
i think people are too quick to point the finger. if any of you know any musical theory, think about how long the various minor scales have been in existence? there is no way you COUDLN'T plagiarise something from sometime or another. oh and im not saying you cant be original with minor scales, its just that well, your always going to be referred to something else. anyone agree?
i agree my man, perhaps romeo used those classical pieces but there is also a big chance that he came up with that stuff by his self since he is heavily influnced by classical music

i mean look at the vivaldi piece and inferno, only geniuses can alter it to this extent and make it sound good, i bet he came up with that one ;)
It wasn't on the Dream Theater board... most of this whole controversy started on the John Petrucci board. I was in the discussion, and lemme tell you - the DT and the JP boards are two VERY different places.

There are some big SX haters, but the guys who were picking out the classical pieces were fans, and they're not just trying to mar Romeo's reputation or anything... people are pretty mature there for the most part.
Lapazeus I think that the fun part is when you have to quess/(or should I say) know which sections are neo-classical and which are actually already composed by someone else. And BTW who listens to neo-classical music and not the real thing said:
You would probably be surprised to find that there are plenty of people. There are the fans who know all of those excerpts and where they came from, fans who know some of them, fans who find those excerpts familiar but don't know the pieces well enough, and fans who are not familiar with the "real thing" at all. And there's nothing wrong with being in any of those categories. I know several people who are really into metal and got into symphony x that way, and have no idea where some of this stuff comes from. Some are interested in hearing more, some aren't. I think it would be a wonderful idea to cite them all, either in the liner notes or on the website, with something in the liner notes directing you to the website for more information.

That having been said, I don't think Symphony X is being dishonest in any way. The music is considered "public domain" and isn't required to be cited. They aren't trying to trick or deceive anyone into thinking they wrote anything either. The name of the band alone gives you some indication of what they are about. I don't think it's anything to be concerned about.

personally I don't believe the guys were out to "NOT cite" anyone, I think they probably just figured The fans would know by reading up on them what and who influenced them, so they just put that in there music the best they know how. And we all should be smart enough to figure it out. why go through this everytime they try to use something and make it new again?
It doesn't bother me either way, it might if these people where still alive but that was along time ago, lets just enjoy what we have now in SymX.
I don't know if someone has mentioned this already since I didn't have the nerve to read beyond post 4 but...

I think there is a law that after a person has been dead for about 50 years or something you can take their music and you don't have to credit anyone. And it is known to me that Beethowen or whoever has been dead for longer than that. Correct me if I'm wrong.