Valentine's Day

Step 1: Operation Birthday was a rousing success.
Now time for Step 2: Operation Valentine's Day
I can be more generic now... and that's good. Flowers and candy work every time... Add in something small and extra and I'm in.

Now, that my friends,is performing in the clutch.

The only thing more enduring than a first impression is a last impression... so wouldn't it make more sense to give her the trivial shit first then finish up with the wham-bam-shebang?

Old, but still funny.
Yeah, does anyone think it's ok to send "Happy Valentine's Day" comments to girls you like on MySpace? I don't know, it seems awkward, and a certain someone didn't reply back to a pic comment question I asked.:erk: (Not anyonw on this UM Forum, repeat!)
My Psych 290 TA is really hot and although I don't "like" her or even know her, I'm going to send her a Valentine over facebook. It will go something like this:

Subject: Psych 290 Help
Message: Haha, just kidding. Happy Valentine's Day! :-D
And she'll send you something saying
"Subject: Valentines Day
Message: Haha, just kidding. You really do need psych help."
The only thing more enduring than a first impression is a last impression... so wouldn't it make more sense to give her the trivial shit first then finish up with the wham-bam-shebang?

indeed... i did, but i still gave her nice things for her birthday.

im the weird kinda person who goes all out on special occasions.
i got her a few cds and somethign else that was very much appreciated.

but i got generic calentines stuff (flowers, candy... etc.).
then i got her tickets to a concert from a band she really likes and im taking her out somewhere nive.
i took all this into consideration when palnning this out.
god damn hallmark. youve create an enitrely new set of self-loathing satanist people.
if you dont have a significant other, you get depressed.
if you do, you get stresseed over it. if you fail you end up in the doghouse and youre depressed, and if you succeed... youre now poor and depressed.
its a vicious cycel, and if my gf didnt take exception, i would boycott it.
No you envy me because I have a girlfriend. :p

jk, much love to all at UMGMD on this day, the corporate-endorsed holiday of St. Valentine. It is on this day that we buy overpriced chocolate and flowers to woo others of the opposite sex. It is also the day I do nothing because I don't celebrate V-Day til the weekend heh.
god damn hallmark. youve create an enitrely new set of self-loathing satanist people.
if you dont have a significant other, you get depressed.
if you do, you get stresseed over it. if you fail you end up in the doghouse and youre depressed, and if you succeed... youre now poor and depressed.
its a vicious cycel, and if my gf didnt take exception, i would boycott it.

I don't particularly give a shit. But it's kind of like being poor and starving, and having some fat guy parading around a juicy steak in front of you. If you have something other people want and don't have, it's not really appropriate to make a public spectacle of it.