Van Halen/Maiden

JonnyD said:
I have never been or ever claimed to be a big Maiden fan prolly never will be BUT IMO X-Factor is Criminally OVERrated

There I fixed for you :p

C'mon JD gimme a hug, you're my favorite wacko.

So let's all agree that:

Some love DLR, some Haggar, some both (some the third guy too)
Some love DiAnno, some Bruce, some Blaze, some a couple, some all
Some love Halford, some Ripper, some both

As long as we all stand by our principles and bash with a friendly attitude, no harm will be done.
Wyvern said:
There I fixed for you :p

C'mon JD gimme a hug, you're my favorite wacko.

So let's all agree that:

Some love DLR, some Haggar, some both (some the third guy too)
Some love DiAnno, some Bruce, some Blaze, some a couple, some all
Some love Halford, some Ripper, some both

As long as we all stand by our principles and bash with a friendly attitude, no harm will be done.

I try really hard not to Bash others for their Tastes just cause well Look at mine they aint perfect but they are mine! ... but you do know that album is in noway OVERrated hahaha Wise ass! :wave: :lol:
ZoMb!M@N said:
I agree with you totally ... but i love Jennifer Aniston, she's the only reason to watch "Friends" ...

By the way, Virtual XI, or any other Blaze/Maiden record is horrible... that dude couldn't sing his way past William Hung! She-Bang, she-bang...

Where's JohnnyD? :yell:

She's in our store today shopping-- see my hottie day at work thread :grin: sorry I can't take pictures.
JonnyD said:
Look at mine they aint perfect but they are mine!

And no one can't take that away from you. JD you're a wise man indeed :worship:
Wyvern said:
And no one can't take that away from you. JD you're a wise man indeed :worship:

hehehe Thanks man! at the end of the day regardless of taste we are all METAL and that is why we are here ... there is a place for those who are ignorant the GMD board!!! hahahaha ... Do you Dig Shadow Gallery Vern?
JonnyD said:
Do you Dig Shadow Gallery Vern?

Indeed, although they peaked with "Tyranny" and subsequently "Legacy" dissapointed me in comparison, not as much as the new one "Room V". It's their weakest album, Chris Ingles departure makes me wonder about the band, and is not a good sequel to "Tyranny", so the bad points outweigh the good ones IMO.
Pabla said:
Do I need to slap YOU? :p

Nobody better lay a finger on my Maiden :dopey:

Slap me for what? :loco: Paul was a good singer, Bruce is better. Blaze was filling while Bruce was on vacation (that's how I look at it).

I love Maiden, but Blaze didn't fit at all......

<ducking from the knives JonnyD is throwing>

BTW, Bruce's "Tyrrany of Souls" is better than I expected .. IMO
Wyvern said:
Indeed, although they peaked with "Tyranny" and subsequently "Legacy" dissapointed me in comparison, not as much as the new one "Room V". It's their weakest album, Chris Ingles departure makes me wonder about the band, and is not a good sequel to "Tyranny", so the bad points outweigh the good ones IMO.

The only one I have is Room V ... I like it its not the best thing I have heard .. but by the sounds of it I should get Tyranny! hahaha Thats why I asked you! :grin:
ZoMb!M@N said:
Blaze was filling while Bruce was on vacation (that's how I look at it).

Good thing he did or else I wouldnt have gotten into them

ZoMb!M@N said:
I love Maiden, but Blaze didn't fit at all......

<ducking from the knives JonnyD is throwing>

Blaze did Blaze songs good and When I say Blaze songs I mean X-Factor I can easily admit that Virtual with 2 exceptions was written for Bruce and I admit that Blaze didnt fit well into the old songs I'v heard it I know ... with that Said Blaze is one of my favorite singers he has a deep soulful voice that sounds great especially on the old songs ... hope ya can duck quick cause they wont be knives they will be bullets! Bullettrain!!! ... I love that song hahaha
kittybeast said:
Breakout the bathingsuits, mud and kiddie pool!!!! :tickled: I got $100 on Paby...she's a wee-tiny thing but you DEFO don't want to make her mad!! :tickled:

Hear! Hear! What's this talk about being "wee-tiny thing" though... :err:

:p I don't like mud... tsk, tsk you know what a "city girl" I am
ZoMb!M@N said:
Slap me for what? :loco: Paul was a good singer, Bruce is better. Blaze was filling while Bruce was on vacation (that's how I look at it).

I love Maiden, but Blaze didn't fit at all......

<ducking from the knives JonnyD is throwing>

BTW, Bruce's "Tyrrany of Souls" is better than I expected .. IMO

*slap* :grin:

Well, I love Blaze too... I think the X-Factor WAS MADE for his vocal style and it is a wonderful album... Virtual... I like half of it... so not that bad of an album either... I concur w/JD in that he did not have the voice to do the Bruce songs... but damn his got a damned fine baritone voice!
Pabla said:
*slap* :grin:

Well, I love Blaze too... I think the X-Factor WAS MADE for his vocal style and it is a wonderful album... Virtual... I like half of it... so not that bad of an album either... I concur w/JD in that he did not have the voice to do the Bruce songs... but damn his got a damned fine baritone voice!

Hehehe the Blaze Army always sticks together I can always count on you for back up hahaha Great Minds think alike!