vans foot technique.


aka Ophidian
May 17, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi this is my first post on the nevermore board, though I have been on the steve smyth board since the old one. Nice to finally post something here...

Anyway, my friend who is a drummer is wondering what foot techique van is using. I would be happy if anyone knew. thx!
I don't know about his foot technique, but as someone who likes to listen to other drummers, you can figure out which players have a heavy foot and who are light on their feet. Van is definitely light on his feet. He is very precise. He told me he uses the Pearl Eliminator bass drum pedals and loves it. I believe he may have used weights on his ankles when practicing. It wouldn't surprise me considering his massive rockhard calves.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I assume your reffering to the heel technique, in which case Im fairly sure he uses the heel up technique.
yes I think so too

oh, I heard bad things about ankle-weights btw, sometimes it may not work out as fine as it maybe did with Van (if he used them)
I've tried weights as well, they help with speed and stamina specifically. I use the pearl eliminators as well, they're the best pedals I've tried thus far.
My favorite drummers are probably Van and george kollias. Kollias is definitly faster than van on the pedals (He uses the swivel technique, ITS SICK...). I dont think Van needs the same speed for nevermores music though.
My advice is stupid and simple with drumming techniques: essentially any technique can be utilized to your advantage if you practice at it enough. If you have the time and willpower, practice like your life depends on it. Most days I'll sit at the drum kit and just play straight double bass for 15-20 minutes as my feet warm-up and to keep up my stamina. I stretch and warm-up for about an hour before I do any practicing or shows. I thank my mastah mysitkal Flo Mounier for that DVD of his, its helped my training regement alot.