recording of TGE...

Have you all seriously never seen Jim playing a 5 string?

And Raeon, I was unaware that 5 string basses were for Korn only. Don't you know Korn has used 7 string guitars forever? Does that make Jeff remind you of the guitarist for Korn?

You got one thing right though... that WAS a stupid statement.
you can't hear him not because of jeff and steve hating him because he pwns them at xbox game, but because he doubles and harmonizes the guitar parts most of the time, and does REALLY TASTEFUL and SUBTLE fills on a lot of songs on TGE. JUst pay attention, it may be hard for people with shitty speakers. I can hear him clearly thorughout the songs on a future uncertain, sell my heart for stones, tge, sentient6, holocaust of thought (...) quoting only tge songs, and without him the guitars wouldn't sound that heavy since he doubles them most of the times an octave or two lower.
psalm of lydia is one of my faves too.
PoE is also a 6 string master piece.
i tried to figure that out too, from looking at pictures i'm leaning more towards using an actual B string and just leaving out the G instead of downtuning, but i could be completely wrong
Hmm.. it's a good question actually..
I think he is indeed using larger strings and tuning it to the 4 lowest strings that are on Jeff's.. (low to hi) A# D# G# C#

When I went to a gig of theirs I was up in front and in the middle, and the place where they played was so small, I think not even 100 people could get in it ;p but anyway, Jim liked to get right in the middle and do the fancy stuff, and sometimes I noticed him going all the way up on his fretboard on some of the older songs they played, most probably to take the same notes again when he used to tune normally.
Hehe, I was so close there I wouldn't even had to stretch out my arm completely to fiddle with the bass switch and volume knob :p

But anyway.. there are powertabs and guitar pro tabs which include the bass tabbing, but I didn't really checked it out though =O

And btw @ lordofthesewers, I know man, the bass on those tracks are sheer subsonic beauty :D

@ Shpongled: OH SHI-
yeah i know that jeff switched to 7's only in dead heart....didn't mean to be harsh it just confused me why recording with 6 string when you have the 7 which is like 6 with some extra notes

tnx for info anyway :)
Because too often bands use extra notes/extra strings to compensate for an inability to be creative and heavy. Frankly, I was dissapointed when Jeff switched to seven strings, as the two heaviest Nevemore albums were written without the use of them.
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Because too often bands use extra notes/extra strings to compensate for an inability to be creative and heavy.

That is not the case here, though.

Necromunchkin said:
Frankly, I was dissapointed when Jeff switched to seven strings, as the two heaviest Nevemore albums were written without the use of them.

Perhaps, but TGE is a very good record and it is post six-string era.
raeon said:
But anyway.. there are powertabs and guitar pro tabs which include the bass tabbing, but I didn't really checked it out though =O
the bass tabs tend to be very very basic, especially on Born which is very disappointing